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Daphne Barak does redemption interview for Ghislaine Maxwell; Child Protective Services (CPS) Needed for KFed putting his kids in danger with Daphne Barak?

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This article/blog from MARCH 2009 had her all figured out :schoolingtime_talking_telling_glasses_preaching:


"Daphne Barak - A meddling tabloid vulture masquerading as a journalist

Daphe Barak, a platinum-haired femme-fatale, has been foisting herself upon the famous and noteworthy families of the world for years now. Her living is made by offering "exclusive" interviews, scintillating gossip, and manufacturing rumor and innuendo at every turn. She is often spotted interviewing members of families in crisis, taking advantage of their grief and need for hope, in order to fuel her personal drive for fame, access, and notoriety. Her drive for fame and her need to feed off of those in crisis has caused her to inject herself into international politics, associating herself with some thuggish rulers, and has run her afoul of the law.

Daphne Barak likes to portray herself as a journalist, but she is much closer to paparazzi or tabloid writers. She shamelessly pursues the tawdriest of stories about ****-addled stars like Amy Winehouse, cozying up to her parents, feeding off their grief and concern for their daughter. In the tragic death of Princess Diana, Daphne Barak's quest for fame and notoriety at any cost ran her afoul of the law. While merely chasing after celebrity scandal is bad enough, Daphne Barak also interviews and ingratiates herself to some of the worst dictators, mass-murderers, and autocratic thugs to ever hold their own nations hostage: Fidel Castro, Robert Mugabe, Saddam Hussein, right-wing Austrian legislator Jorg Haider."

Edited by blackingouthenegativity
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