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Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan Smoking Hot At Teddy's (2006 VIDEO)

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23 minutes ago, McGee Pwincess Hole said:

Lindsay was nineteen here. I always thought she was like 28 when I was a kid. So crazy

Lindsay went through a ton of serious stuff when she was super duper young. I didn't realize that until I saw a video detailing those years and laying out the facts about her age and stuff. The media and the GP expected her to behave and deal with stuff like a grown *** adult when she really wasn't. Young people go out, they party hard, do messy things, dabble in ***** and get stupid drunk. We've all been there and ticked at least a few of those boxes off, but in our cases there were no cameras in our faces recording it as it happened. There's no excuse for some of the things she did (like drunk driving), but she was still kind of a baby figuring it all out and the world was basically begging her to fail at adult life.

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