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A Truly GLOBAL Movement


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There is a lot of talk in the U.S about how much Britney's fight is a bipartisan issue, but its also garnered worldwide outrage too, and the general consensus is very much #FreeBritney. I've been so warmed by people in various countries reacting with disgust at how the situation is even happening. Thought I'd share some videos from some popular YouTube pages that I came across:













(+Seb & Natoo)







Also popular podcasts in the U.S




Love to see it. I hope Britney knows how much she's loved and supported all around the world and that we won't stop fighting for her. Team CON we know you lurk around here, your days are numbered. **** you. 



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I am an Indian, and everybody knows about this now. It has also came in news channels - nobody is showing her in a negative light so I am very happy. 

People I love you all, my love for Britney made me part of such a beautiful family :wontcry_tears_crying_sad:

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