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GOSSIP CORNER (anonymously)


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Which are some worst people you know and why?

I know a person who 1) seems to think she is such a great person 2) hates herself 3) has magnetic pull to want others to feel bad even if she doesn't confess to it 4) wonders why she is alone despite all these social networks she is so proud to have

She always threw fits in school in my class I went to for some years. She was like look how bad i feel i wanna express that every lesson and gain attention with my thousand microscopic hissy fits/tantrums when we were in the middle of the lesson

Then school director didn't want her to enter the 10th grade. She and her family went to court and won.

And nowadays, before the director died, the girl - whose family sued the school - wanted to be in good terms with the director (how come you don't have no principles or shame, you sued and now you want to place yourself under the corner of the director cause you suddenly find the director such a great person)

But there is a catch

The school director has cancer

The tantrum girl always repeats to herself and others that the school director's cancer is God's punishment to director because the director didn't want the tantrum in the school the girl sued.

The girl beliefs most people around her are bad and that God has punished is punishing or will punish them all 

The girl simultaneously says it is good that she didn't went to this bad school she sued. that she went to a better school 10-12. And yet wanted to be with the director as much as possible before she died. I am sure the tantrum girl went to the director's funeral but yet thought "sad that she died but it is her punishment because she didn't let me to the 10th grade in her (pathetic) school. so that would raise her spirits :) (P.S. :) is so good here because how come Britney is actually sad in our :-) emoji)

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This is a story about a girl named Lucky. Early morning, she wakes up, and there's a knock, knock, knock on the door. It's time for makeup, so she puts on a perfect smile. Afterall, it's her they're all waiting for. :mattafact_alligator_telling_talking_chatting_preaching_green:

They go "isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl?" And some people say "she's so lucky, she's a star. But she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart, thinking "if there's nothing missing in my life, then why do these tears come at night?" Poor girl. :staysalty_hands_rub_so_there_blue_walk_away_made_my_point:

She was lost in an image, like, in a dream. But there's no one there to wake her up. The world kept on spinning, and she kept on winning. But tell me what happens when it stops? Again, they went "isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl?" :oprah_well_there_you_have_it_proof_see_hand:

I sit here and think, like, isn't she lucky? But why does she cry? If there is nothing missing in her life, why do tears come at night? :nervousney_thinking_britney_looking_up_hands_face_clasp_ftr_for_the_record:

She also won an Oscar for Best Actress and Roger Johnson for Pop News was standing outside the arena, waiting for Lucky and he screamed out of excitement and said "oh my god! here she comes!" :ohmygawd_britney_omg_shocked_wow_holy_crap_gasp_shocked_itz_in_the_zone_white:

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9 minutes ago, Roxxy said:

This is a story about a girl named Lucky. Early morning, she wakes up, and there's a knock, knock, knock on the door. It's time for makeup, so she puts on a perfect smile. Afterall, it's her they're all waiting for. :mattafact_alligator_telling_talking_chatting_preaching_green:

They go "isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl?" And some people say "she's so lucky, she's a star. But she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart, thinking "if there's nothing missing in my life, then why do these tears come at night?" Poor girl. :staysalty_hands_rub_so_there_blue_walk_away_made_my_point:

She was lost in an image, like, in a dream. But there's no one there to wake her up. The world kept on spinning, and she kept on winning. But tell me what happens when it stops? Again, they went "isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl?" :oprah_well_there_you_have_it_proof_see_hand:

But i sit here and think, like, isn't she lucky? But why does she cry? If there is nothing missing in her life, why do tears come at night? :nervousney_thinking_britney_looking_up_hands_face_clasp_ftr_for_the_record:

She also won an Oscar for Best Actress and Roger Johnson for Pop News was standing outside the arena, waiting for Lucky and he screamed out of excitement and said "oh my god! here she comes!" :ohmygawd_britney_omg_shocked_wow_holy_crap_gasp_shocked_itz_in_the_zone_white:


too depressing

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17 minutes ago, Roxxy said:

This is a story about a girl named Lucky. Early morning, she wakes up, and there's a knock, knock, knock on the door. It's time for makeup, so she puts on a perfect smile. Afterall, it's her they're all waiting for. :mattafact_alligator_telling_talking_chatting_preaching_green:

They go "isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl?" And some people say "she's so lucky, she's a star. But she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart, thinking "if there's nothing missing in my life, then why do these tears come at night?" Poor girl. :staysalty_hands_rub_so_there_blue_walk_away_made_my_point:

She was lost in an image, like, in a dream. But there's no one there to wake her up. The world kept on spinning, and she kept on winning. But tell me what happens when it stops? Again, they went "isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl?" :oprah_well_there_you_have_it_proof_see_hand:

But i sit here and think, like, isn't she lucky? But why does she cry? If there is nothing missing in her life, why do tears come at night? :nervousney_thinking_britney_looking_up_hands_face_clasp_ftr_for_the_record:

She also won an Oscar for Best Actress and Roger Johnson for Pop News was standing outside the arena, waiting for Lucky and he screamed out of excitement and said "oh my god! here she comes!" :ohmygawd_britney_omg_shocked_wow_holy_crap_gasp_shocked_itz_in_the_zone_white:

This killed me :imdying_wendy_crying_sad_tears_sobbing:

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