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The Money Machine


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If Britney is never freed, I hope fans really stay strong and stop supporting the brand. I feel like at the end of the day her money keeps her in this legal cage. The money she earns provides support for so many lives, they would have to make major career adjustments to maintain the money they've been making off of this whole situation. There's no way they will let it go unless there's simply nothing left to hold onto. 


So god forbid, the universe sees fit that a 40 year old woman should live out the rest of her days with her choices and finances monitored and controlled, then I hope we as a people would let her go, let her live and not support them turning her out on the stage like a dancing monkey. I truly believe they'll only let her go once her income drops below what can maintain their lifestyles, I'll always love Britney, She's a true Queen and Legend but she deserves so much better than being our entertainment, especially if she's not directly benefiting. 

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Well said!  

I’m never supporting the brand again as long as she’s in a CONservatorship. For too long they’ve had their cake and eaten it too. 

Either she’s sick enough for the CON or she’s well enough to work, but not both.

And that’s on PERIODT. 

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