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4 hours ago, Oops... I did it again said:

I think Britney's main problem is that she grew up too fast. I think there was a year or so between her albums and she went from being innocent to wild in such a short time. It's hard to believe but Britney was a pop phenomena for about 5 years before she broke down. I think maybe if she took more time between albums, her transition would have been smoother. She went from break up, to partying, to colin farrell, to fred durst to kissing madonna to 55 hr marriage to kfed in SUCH a short time. Slave 4 u 'flopped' because Britney went from a somewhat **** video like Oops to a downright naughty video like Slave 4 u. I think her younger fans (me included) felt alienated from Baby britney. She and Christina rubbed people the wrong way with their transitions. Also, at the time, singers like Avril started to come out and marketed themselves as anti-britney's. That didn't help. It made britney seem like a slutty pop tart who had nothing to offer.

I completely disagree. Another teen pop record would have cemented her as a one trick pony and would have held back her career.  She grew up just fine, she was 19 by the time Slave was out. I mean, were you all innocent and pure at 19? :yesokay:

The pop scene was already shifting to a more urban dominated landscape. Artists like JLO were what was cool and Britney would have gotten lost in the shuffle and ended up like Jessica Simpson and her Irresistible album, released after the sound was already dated and kaput.

Granted, you could bring in the argument "well Toxic was a pop song that smashed in the urban landscape". Well that's because Toxic was innovative and different to what most US pop music had to offer. It was titilating and mature. And teen pop can not be molded to an innovative level, you can't upgrade bubblegum other than change it's flavor. It will always be bubblegum.

Britney is an important record in her career because it gave you a preview of the woman Britney was becoming and gave a heads up to the mature sound she was moving towards while still offering the teen pop that made her a star in the first place. Had that record been just another Max Martin & Rami dominated record would have just been redundant.

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