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How relevant is Britney in your life right now?

Britney's relevance to you now?  

39 members have voted

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Recently I have been watching old interviews, documentaries, behind the scenes, and performances and I've recently started listening to all of her unreleased songs.  I know that the GP is kind of done with her right now but I have been a fan since 98' and she is one of the only artists I listen to these days.  Nobody else really gives me that feeling when I listen to their music.  I don't know if it is partly nostalgic, but a lot of her music is timeless... and makes me feel all **** :werk:

Edit: I just wanted to point out that I am NOT a delusional stan.  But going on Exhale has made me discover things about her even I didn't know so that is why I have been into her way more than usual recently.

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Guest Edge Of Clockin' You

Well... 2 years ago I would've voted for very, now I just didn't vote for hardly cause I have not (yet) moved on to someone else. She's killing all the love fans accomulated for her over the years... which is sad.

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I listen to her two to three times a week, but once I'm in Britney mood I won't stop for hours. I only talk about her every once in a while and only with my close friends.  They always tell me that they love and respect her more since they met me.  :shameless:   I never play her music unless they ask me to, though. 


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7 minutes ago, Camilo said:

You're not even an old fan lmao :quirkney: and also you should stop visiting this place as well. 

Why would that even matter? A fan is a fan lmao. Britney needs fans at this point in her career because she's turning into a nostalgia act.

I'm somewhat. I listen to her music more consistently than every other artist, but I'm listening to more popular music right now. But almost everyone who really knows me knows that me liking Britney is like the sky being blue. I used to talk about her A LOT, I still do sometimes whenever I see something interesting. But I talk about pop culture a lot in general tbh.

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10 minutes ago, Don't Keep Me Waiting said:

I voted somewhat, because I don't necessarily crank her music all the time and I hardly talk about her, except with certain people.

This. I bet it will change once she releases something new, but as for right now, somewhat. 

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