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[XRAY Request] Magazine scans 1999 - present


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13 hours ago, Roger said:

Tank you so much for what you do for Xray

I love the gallery <3

:bigkiss:Thank you for the nice words

13 hours ago, OutrageousSin said:

I have quite a lot tbh, most of them are cut outs I threw the actual magazines away unless she was on the cover!

they're somewhere at my parents place, if I found them I'll scan it out! 

:jumpney::Lshark:that would be amazing! I also have tons of cut outs. but we even save unsorted and unknown scans:bigkiss:

5 hours ago, popprison said:


:jumpney::jumpney::Lshark::Lshark:would be cool if you could scan:bigkiss:


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