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So I was at a party last night....

Alice X

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It was a pretty big party actually and the host was playing the music through Spotify. It was  hip-hop themed. 

So I got really drunk (really fast :calculating:) and I had the urge to play some Britney. So I started blasting Blackout, however not in order. I started with Get Back. And a bunch of straight dudes came to me and were like:

They: Who's that? 

Me: Britney Spears.

They: Wow, seriously? But usually she has a very squeaky and annoying voice. Is that really her? Play something else.

So I played Get Naked and Ooh Ooh Baby and they ******* enjoyed it. All of them. 


Britney, please attract more mature people, straight people, basically all kinds of party people with a non-pitchy, mature, **** and dark sound for B10. :uriteurite:

I want a club banger that I could dance to, without feeling like a teenage girl :byebitch: Thanks. 

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Guest $elfish
41 minutes ago, WootsWow said:

Hot As Ice and Toy Solder have that squeaky annoying voice you're taking about. :ponderney: 

And they are both bops :kesha:

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Go you, educating them straight dudes! :slayney:

My local club (a gay bar) plays Britney without fail every night. Last time I was there the DJ opened with My Prerogative, then during the night played Circus, Scream and Shout, Work *****, Clumsy (the drop was everything) and then second last song was DYWCO. I was living that night. :bparty:

Fingers crossed she does the same tonight tbh :giggleney:

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1 hour ago, CircusFatale said:

Go you, educating them straight dudes! :slayney:

My local club (a gay bar) plays Britney without fail every night. Last time I was there the DJ opened with My Prerogative, then during the night played Circus, Scream and Shout, Work *****, Clumsy (the drop was everything) and then second last song was DYWCO. I was living that night. :bparty:

Fingers crossed she does the same tonight tbh :giggleney:

That's the thing with me. I don't really like clubs :makeitrain: So I go to home parties instead. And since most of my friends are all straight guys and girls, we barely listen to Britney. Almost never, to be exact. So I would REALLY love to have another "Blackout"  that I could play in front of my friends, without feeling weird. :idkney: 

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