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Circus Tour studio versions needed...


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I need a HQ version of "Toxic", "Get Naked" and "Mannequin".

I used to have them but now I don't ever since i've bought a new pc like 5 years ago and the only ones I can find only are really bad quality versions :( 

You'd be really helpful if you'd share your studio versions you've got, since so many different ones were made. :) 


PS: Pleas tweet Simon Ellis to release his remixes (he did release a few but then stopped)..... I can't because he blocked me as I used to ask him about the remixes EVERY SINGLE DAY. The last promise he made was that he was going to release the IUSA FF tour remix BUT NEVER DID -.-


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simon ellis is a big turd. he knows people want them and still doesnt release them. he even wanted money for them i think it was 4000 dollar for one track with the reason that he "had to work on them"

like *****, team britney paid you alot of money to create them.


i cant describe how much i hate this guy, may his music equipment explode in his face :rihit:

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10 minutes ago, Sadira said:

simon ellis is a big turd. he knows people want them and still doesnt release them. he even wanted money for them i think it was 4000 dollar for one track with the reason that he "had to work on them"

like *****, team britney paid you alot of money to create them.


i cant describe how much i hate this guy, may his music equipment explode in his face :rihit:

Yeah I know he did say that, but the went on to share another remix or 2 nonetheless tho, I mean he does work on them and does release them, when will team B?.... he's the only source we've got to get them :/ 

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