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Bill Kaulitz from Tokio Hotel stans Britney AGAIN!

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starting at 4:00 he jams out to Womanizer & Oops and in the beginning he's humming Oops.

I swear he's such a stan - It wouldn't be a surprise to me if he was an Exhaler as well! He hung out with Jordan once & posted a Britney picture with an Exhale caption on his Instagram account. 
He always talks about her & sings her songs & before they start their show they are and now I'm quoting "praying to the legendary Miss Britney Spears"!!!!
HAHA that is so funny! 

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40 minutes ago, OopsOverprotected said:

what?? fun? no! hahah

I think Bill would have never made fun of Brit!

I couldnt find it , maybe I remember it wrong , anyway tokio hotel ruined themselves

I used to like them , still listen to  durch den monsun

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