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50 minutes ago, Justney said:

I remember someone said they thought perhaps JL was referring to Mirrors being about Britney because she hashtagged CMAR but also Mirrors for some reason lol. She GETS IT. :bwink:

Oh ok now I get it, I knew she didn't mean it in a shady way towards britney 

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Yeah the tweet is real. But I doubt she meant anything shady. Wasnt Britney seen buying FS/LS album in 2007? And she apparently still listens to his music, so she must not have an issue with him either. And CMAR is a good song, Timbaland produced the heck out of it lol we all just feel some type of way because it happened to be about Britney. And maybe JLynn knows why they broke up and doesn't hold that song against him. Who knows?

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