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Wonder how's Britney in parallel universe


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Guest StrawberryKisses

Didn't she die along with Timberlake in a car crash? Remember that rumor? :cutesybrit:


After breaking her knee during the Onyx tour, she went back to Louisiana and rekindled her romance with Brian. Then she decided to take a hiatus. Mandy Moore released another critically acclaimed album and went on to feud with Xtina, Xtina breaking her car window. Xtina then started hanging out with Beyonce and the two started doing ***** and partying. Meanwhile, Mandy Moore prospered in her acting career and turned to a more alternative genre in music.

After having 3 kids; 2 girls and 1 boy, Britney came back this year with the hit 'See you (from 2002)'. It is currently #1 on the iTunes chart. People all over are rejoicing on how she saved the music industry and brought pop back and how that she looks the same and how that she's always been a good role model for girls. Rumor has it her next single will be a duet with Mandy Moore.


Meanwhile, Beyonce is locked up in rehab for bleaching her skin. XTina has become the host of a reality cooking show.

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1 minute ago, StrawberryKisses said:

Didn't she die along with Timberlake in a car crash? Remember that rumor? :cutesybrit:


After breaking her knee during the Onyx tour, she went back to Louisiana and rekindled her romance with Brian. Then she decided to take a hiatus. Mandy Moore released another critically acclaimed album and went on to feud with Xtina, Xtina breaking her car window. Xtina then started hanging out with Beyonce and the two started doing ***** and partying. Meanwhile, Mandy Moore prospered in her acting career and turned to a more alternative genre in music.

After having 3 kids; 2 girls and 1 boy, Britney came back this year with the hit 'See you (from 2002)'. It is currently #1 on the iTunes chart. People all over are rejoicing on how she saved the music industry and brought pop back and how that she looks the same and how that she's always been a good role model for girls. Rumor has it her next single will be a duet with Mandy Moore.


Meanwhile, Beyonce is locked up in rehab for bleaching her skin. XTina has become the host of a reality cooking show.


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She has recorded the bridge for Tom's Diner resulting to the hit of the decade (still no music video). She refuses to record anything after that and has moved to the UK to escape her resurected, overwhelming fame. She's still teaches dancing to kids .

Beyonce has 7 kids and lives with her redneck husband in a ranch in texas or something. She performs in local fairs. Jay-Z is in jail. They never got maried.

Taylor Swift is a **** addict and an infamous party girl along with her BFFS they got arrested for blowing coce outside of a Kanye West party.

Christina is still a coach on the Voice but in North Korea. She's also Kim Jong Un's private entertainer, cleaning lady and wife.


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Well the multiverse theory basically says that there are an infinite number of universes with every imaginable outcome, so there is one where she is as big as Beyonce, there is one where she was just elected President of the United States, and there is one where she is a man named Curtis who sells homeowners insurance.  I'm just thankful we were blessed enough to exist in this universe where she can gift us with her perfection. 

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