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If an interviewer asked her what is her least favorite album...


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Her least favorite ones seem to be among BOMT, OIDIA, Femme Fatale and Britney Jean. She would probably answer either BOMT (she hates "Sometimes" so she must dislike other cheesy teeny songs from that album / era) or "Britney Jean" which she clearly never cared about. 

She seems to feel more comfortable as an artist with everything between "Britney" and "Circus" plus "Glory".  With particularly "In the zone", "Blackout" and "Glory" likely being her favorite ones. 

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My perception about what Britney projects with each album is the following one:

- Baby one more time: She was 16, she got a contract and the chance to become a superstar and live her dream so she had no issues on being told what to sing. She probably considers the lead single a good song but still she's clearly quite tired of it by now, however she seems to respect and recognize its impact. Regarding the rest of the album / era she doesn't seem to feel too bond with it anymore, she hates "Sometimes" so she probably also dislikes other cheesy teeny songs like FTBOMBH and several others on the album that she would never perform ever again. Also I think she hates the image / presentation she had around that time, like she's probably embarrased about the cover, booklet, some of the music videos and looks she had back then. 

- Oops I did it again: I think she doesn't like the lead single, and she doesn't seem to care that much about "Lucky" either, like her first album she clearly doesn't feel much connected with it anymore, however she does seem to like "Stronger" and "Don't let me be the last to know" and probably other mature ballads on the album like "When your eyes say it" plus I think she likes some of the music videos she did here, so she probably respects the "Oops I did it again" album / era a bit more than she does for her first album.

- Britney: I think she loved this record back then when she released it, but right now she seems to have outgrown it, nowadays she only cares about the Neptunes tracks ("Slave" / "Boys") while she seems to have moved on from the majority / rest of the songs from this record. Nowdays I think she neither loves or hates this album. 

- In the zone: This is the first album she seems to stand hard by it, she's obviously proud of "Toxic" and "Everytime", she's definately proud of her Madonna duet and she's always been obssesed with "Breathe on me" and "Touch of my hand". She clearly likes this album and she seems to recognize it as a great / cool musical period for her, she probably regrets not releasing more singles from it (particularly "Breathe on me"). 

- Blackout: I think at first this album brought her bad memories but she ended loving it, she clearly loves to include songs from this record on her shows, and she seems to like "Piece of me" and "Freakshow" a lot, IMO this must be one of Britney's favorite albums to perform. 

- Circus: I think she considers this a cool album, despite the fact she admitted that she didn't have the final decissions on her records since the conservatorship she seemed more comfortable with this album / era than she did with "Femme Fatale" and "Britney Jean", probably because she had the chance to work with new producers, and the album still had some of her writing credits icluding a song for her kids, I also think she genuinly likes "Womanizer" and "If U seek Amy" and she also seems to like the music videos she did with this record. 

- Femme Fatale: I don't think she particularly or entirely hates it, but I feel like she was tired of her career and seemed very disappointed to be treated like a label puppet with this record, she was visibly promoting it without motivation or passion and she likely had to go with it because she had a contract. I think there are songs on it that she likes such as "He about to lose me" and I think she does like "Till the world ends", to be honest I think she hated her circumstances around this period more than the album / music itself. But still she never seemed crazy about the album either. 

- Britney Jean: I think she doesn't care about this record at all, like she definately loves "Alien" but she didn't even try to do anything for this record, probably the most indifferent she's felt about an album in her entire career, I think she never felt comfortable with the "Work *****" music video and knowing that her label / team were gonna control everything she really never bothered on making it happen or giving her best musically. I think she doesn't care about BJ. 

- Glory: Simple, She truly loves this album and she seems proud of it. I think she considers it among her best efforts. Having been able to do what she wanted and liked showed how motivated and commited she was with every song on it. I also feel she likes "Make me" a lot and she seems connected with the material, like she believes in the record. 




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48 minutes ago, danny1994 said:

Lol at all you saying BOMT, she wouldn't say that. It's her first album and it's special to her.


She hates Femme Fatale because she had no creative input and all the songs were basically handed to her. I thought this was established.

she doesn't hate Femme Fatale and never will, sorry. i thought this was established.

Britney Jean is the album where she had absolutely no input, she made it clear she didn't like it many times. 

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knowing Britney she would say BOMT. it's obvious she hates her older stuff - she has said many times that she's sick of BOMT the song, she said during OH that she hates Sometimes, she hasn't performed any other song besides BOMT and Crazy since 2002... She would just say that it was fun for when she was 17 and that's it.

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1. She would never get asked about that

2. If she did they would cut it out

3. She would dance around the question and not give an honest answer

But in all honestly I think she'd say Femme Fatale. She really wasn't feeling the era, none of the album was her idea or input, she didn't really even try vocally, and with BJ she at least seemed to enjoy a few of the songs, although I guess she doesn't even remember that album / era anymore :orangu: 

It's much easier to tell which albums are her favorite tbh. Her number one is clearly In the Zone because she always says her favorite song is either Toxic or Breathe on Me and every time she got asked about what song she wished could have been a single she named a song from this album, ie Touch of My Hand, Early Mornin' and The Hook Up. She loved the era and planned to release 6 singles which was unprecedented (and I will never get over the fact that the knee incident prevented it from happening). ITZ also has the biggest amount of songs she still routinely preforms. I guess her other two favorites are Glory and Blackout. Queen has flawless taste tbh.

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6 hours ago, everybodygoesdown said:

When did she shade sometimes ? And whyyyyyyyyyyyyy ?


1 hour ago, Sinned_88 said:

Don't know exactly :sickofu: 

But everyone's mentioning it here so it must be true :uknowit:

LOL trollney! Watch at 1:23:00 ''I never liked that song anyway''


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