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Britney ALMOST Won My Mom Over


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I closed the last two nights & didn't get a chance to watch the CW broadcast of the IHeart Festival. However, my family got together and watched it. Everyone of my family and friends knows I'm a huge STAN so anytime they see anything Britney related they make a point to tell me. Usually its to break my balls about stanning for someone they see as minimally talented & past her prime. (Obviously I don't feel the same, so don't come for me.)

Anyway, today before work my mom mentioned that the family got together and watched the IHeart show & that Britney performed. (As if I didn't already know lol) My mom said and I quote:

"Your girl Britney performed last night & ALMOST won me over. When she first came out I was like OKAY Ms. Spears. She looked amazing. I really liked her little top & her hair looked really cute. She looked hot! She didn't seem as stiff as the last time I saw her & I thought she was about to really bring it. I really liked the first song she performed. I don't know if it was new or old, but I was feeling it. Then she performed two more songs & she lost me again. All she does is lip sync. It gets really boring after 1 or 2 songs. She didn't dance enough to not sing at least one note live. Like I was feeling her at first, but she needs to hang it up if shes not gonna sing live. I can't believe people pay to see her lip sync with those cheesy moves." :embarrassney:

Now I've never been THAT bothered by Britney's lipping, but for some reason my moms comments really made me think. I feel like Britney will never be able to reach huge numbers again (album wise) if she doesn't start performing live. Almost every artist out these days sings live, with a backing track, or combination of both. I think the lip syncing makes Britney's performances look dated/boring in comparison. These days people will respect an artist a lot more for singing live (even if their terrible) over using playback. I'm not gonna lie, I usually watch her performances alone, cause when I watch them in a group, some performances are cringe worthy due to the BLATANT cd vocals. 

Britney & Team if you happen to stumble across this: PLEASE MAKE AN EFFORT TO SING LIVE. At the very least give us some pre-recorded vocalney & really sell it. Its not 99 anymore & singing to the CD track isn't cutting it.

Britney has made it clear that Glory is her baby & shes proud of it, she mentioned that shes watching the charts & checking the numbers. Shes got the competitive spirit back, but Britney if you ever want to be considered as a serious contender with today's Pop Acts, you're gonna have to turn that mic on. I think its the most shocking thing she can do at this point in her career. A live televised performance with live vocals. Its almost sad to think. She's the only artist out right now that would get major publicity for doing whats expected of everyone else: giving us live vocals.


Anyway. I'm drunk, bored & can't sleep so figured I'd share that. :saycheese:

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At times when she sings live people will still bash her and call her a bad untalented singer even tho her voice isn't that bad and she has a lot of talent but the way RCA or Jive as they were called back then marketed her did not help at times hence why people do not take Britney seriously. They should allow her to sing as if I know Britney well, she wants to be respected and taken seriously as an artiste and singing live is the only way forward. Maybe a stripped down performance with a live band kinda like what Usher did recently can work

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My mom was a Britney fan before I became one and she is so into the Glory Era. She shed some tears during the Bbma and her favourite Glory performance was Iheart radio. She wants DYWCO? as single #2 and she dislikes both make me videos. She believes Britney needs a pure dancing video for single #2 so the GP can shut up about her dancing abilities. I'm so proud of mama for introducing me to Brit

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13 minutes ago, billbritneyfan said:

My mom was a Britney fan before I became one and she is so into the Glory Era. She shed some tears during the Bbma and her favourite Glory performance was Iheart radio. She wants DYWCO? as single #2 and she dislikes both make me videos. She believes Britney needs a pure dancing video for single #2 so the GP can shut up about her dancing abilities. I'm so proud of mama for introducing me to Brit

Omg this! My mom is a massive fan too! One of my earliest memories is being like 4 years old singing baby in the car with her haha

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17 minutes ago, billbritneyfan said:

My mom was a Britney fan before I became one and she is so into the Glory Era. She shed some tears during the Bbma and her favourite Glory performance was Iheart radio. She wants DYWCO? as single #2 and she dislikes both make me videos. She believes Britney needs a pure dancing video for single #2 so the GP can shut up about her dancing abilities. I'm so proud of mama for introducing me to Brit


4 minutes ago, D_Britfan said:

Omg this! My mom is a massive fan too! One of my earliest memories is being like 4 years old singing baby in the car with her haha

You guys be very young with very cool moms :cooltshirt: I wish my mom was a Britney fan, but she can't stand her :otears:

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24 minutes ago, BabyD01 said:

At times when she sings live people will still bash her and call her a bad untalented singer even tho her voice isn't that bad and she has a lot of talent but the way RCA or Jive as they were called back then marketed her did not help at times hence why people do not take Britney seriously. They should allow her to sing as if I know Britney well, she wants to be respected and taken seriously as an artiste and singing live is the only way forward. Maybe a stripped down performance with a live band kinda like what Usher did recently can work


27 minutes ago, Erreur 2 La Nature said:

Well at least your mother is stanning God ***** so she has taste, and yeah it's boring for people to watch her lip synch everything especially when she is not dancing hard and has bad choreos, she's right, we can't say anything to defend Britney on this subject

 I wish we could somehow get the word to Britney. Even if she only did one or two performances, I think it would do WONDERS for her

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She's right tho, when Britney has huge breaks of not dancing during a song, it makes it unacceptable for her to lip sync tbh :rude2me: And my mom doesn't mind Britney, but I feel like she would respect her more if she danced more or if she starts singing :moorangu: I feel like she only has 2 options : either she dances all throughout the song with a better choreo (not necessarily complicated) or she sings live. 

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1 minute ago, ALLEYESONUS! said:

I can understand that people complain about the lip synincg, especially when she's not doing hard choreo :verycool:

I guess as a long time fan, I'm used to it. But I never really thought about how the GP might be bored to tears. Its sad cause Glory is so FLAWLESS but I don't think the promo performances we've had so far will do anything to move the GP or get them to listen or stream the album :otears:

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5 minutes ago, BratzBitch said:

She's right tho, when Britney has huge breaks of not dancing during a song, it makes it unacceptable for her to lip sync tbh :rude2me: And my mom doesn't mind Britney, but I feel like she would respect her more if she danced more or if she starts singing :moorangu: I feel like she only has 2 options : either she dances all throughout the song with a better choreo (not necessarily complicated) or she sings live. 


1 minute ago, Slayde said:

When I tell GP I'm a fan of Britney here in Australia people look at me like I'm either:

  1. Crazy
  2. About to ****** them; or
  3. They check my pulse

And I tell them, "no seas cortes" every time :shameless:

It just kills me to think about all the new fans shes missing out on simply because people won't give her a chance because she doesn't sing live. Shes not doing anything to attract a new audience & Glory deserves to be heard by the masses.

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12 minutes ago, britneysbitch said:


It just kills me to think about all the new fans shes missing out on simply because people won't give her a chance because she doesn't sing live. Shes not doing anything to attract a new audience & Glory deserves to be heard by the masses.

But Britney's Britney and she will always gain new fans because of what she's done in history :howiroll:

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They just need to keep her mic on, and let her sing over the tracks when she wants. (To prerecord vocals! Get rid of the straight from the cd mess)  Sometimes I don't think it's Britney's choice, because sometimes I think she thinks her mic is on. Like during Iheart when she through her hat, she was clearly trying to saying something. Would have been cute to hear, but nah.


For the most part it's whatever to me. Britney doesn't owe me or anyone else anything. however it is a little cringe, when she's performing next to someone who is actually performing live. And also CRAZY is very cringy!! They need to cut out some parts! Especially the "sing it" part. If she's not gonna say that live, it needs to go!! All talking parts need to go too if she's not gonna say them. It's so fake and obvious. 

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20 minutes ago, Oh My Stars said:

They just need to keep her mic on, and let her sing over the tracks when she wants. (To prerecord vocals! Get rid of the straight from the cd mess)  Sometimes I don't think it's Britney's choice, because sometimes I think she thinks her mic is on. Like during Iheart when she through her hat, she was clearly trying to saying something. Would have been cute to hear, but nah.


For the most part it's whatever to me. Britney doesn't owe me or anyone else anything. however it is a little cringe, when she's performing next to someone who is actually performing live. And also CRAZY is very cringy!! They need to cut out some parts! Especially the "sing it" part. If she's not gonna say that live, it needs to go!! All talking parts need to go too if she's not gonna say them. It's so fake and obvious. 

Totally agree with about Crazy! I also cringe a bit when she mouths "Just Come Over" in DYWCO :embarrassney:

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41 minutes ago, britneysbitch said:

Totally agree with about Crazy! I also cringe a bit when she mouths "Just Come Over" in DYWCO :embarrassney:

That too!! It kills me. I can't even watch.

its one thing to do this in POM, but if she's wanting to be out there more, and in the public....somethings gotta give. I love her to death, but I don't wanna see people attacking her badly again. 

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41 minutes ago, Oh My Stars said:

That too!! It kills me. I can't even watch.

its one thing to do this in POM, but if she's wanting to be out there more, and in the public....somethings gotta give. I love her to death, but I don't wanna see people attacking her badly again. 

Its literally so cringe. ESP cause shes so animated and cheesy when she says it & so obviously lipping it. Like at the VERY LEAST say the spoken word parts of the song. It really looks so bad.

19 minutes ago, Draw The Blinds said:

The answer is simple: prerecorded vocals and amazing choreography :angietea:

If only it were that easy to be a Britney fan :hype:

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