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She lost her one strong talent - ideas?


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3 minutes ago, BreatheOnMoi said:

Were you a fan of her throughout Femme Fatale? did you witness those dance moves? what about the beginning of POM? 

Clearly we all bitched and cried and complained, and she ******* did a 360 and turned into this creature with POM 2.0, and the confidence and determination to perform and promote at all these different venues that herself 4-5 years ago would just never do. 

What I'm trying to say is, we cannot **** on someone that has CLEARLY put in the work to better herself and ameliorate her performing skills. You say we shouldn't say she's doing good when she clearly isnt? like wtf is that? WE KNOW WHAT BRITNEY NOT DOING GOOD really means. 

And if you don't, it just means that you're a new fan. 

An old fan would never make a dumb thread like this, promise.  

This dumb thread was not created so people could argue or be mean to one another. That was not the goal. The goal really was to hear other ideas about how we would like to see her progress in the future. I don't think anyone is less of fan for not blindly accepting everything. I think its actually the more passionate ones that crave a better future. 

2 minutes ago, BreatheOnMoi said:

I just think you drive a uber. 


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