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I'm sorry but Britney isn't as bad as some of you think she is...


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Not just in her dancing but mentally too.  She has really proven she's over everything.  If she's been anything these past couple of years it's been present.  She isn't plagued with self confidence issues or "anxiety" or whatever trend word y'all want to use.  She's not her old self either.  She didn't "comeback".  She's flat out, the incredible Britney Spears.  Sassy, impeccable entertainer, sweet heart, amongst a million other admirable things.  The same person she's always been.


That is all.  Love you girl.  G'night!



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anxiety isnt a trend word its something shes talked about herself lol. no one is being rude when they bring that up, ive seen lots of us talk about how it makes her more relatable bc its something many people struggle with...

shes obviously improved and stuff with it but its not an insult, of all things people say about her on here that is not one of the worst. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Honestly at this point I am starting to think Britney Spears is one of the most critiqued and criticized people in history. I love and support her so much. We are really lucky to still have her alive today. What has all this criticism and hate achieved for all those people who continue to slander and bash her, her name, her brand, her business and everything that is Britney Spears. At this point we are looking at someone who could honestly be one of the biggest stars in the world yet again just based on the fact that people want to constantly belittle and hate on her. 

Thank-goodness that Britney ignores everything that is said about her and kudos to her for making it this far and staying in the business. No one will ever go what she went through from the music business to the GP and all of the hate. They wouldn't make it through it like Britney has. 

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10 minutes ago, The Once-ler said:

anxiety isnt a trend word its something shes talked about herself lol. no one is being rude when they bring that up, ive seen lots of us talk about how it makes her more relatable bc its something many people struggle with...

shes obviously improved and stuff with it but its not an insult, of all things people say about her on here that is not one of the worst. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Actually it IS a trend word.  Psychology always has trend words each decade and the use of the word 'anxiety' has only risen every year since the 40's.  It's almost at it's height use which was 100 years before that.  Receipts: https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=anxiety&year_start=1800&year_end=2000&corpus=15&smoothing=3&share=&direct_url=t1%3B%2Canxiety%3B%2Cc0

Labeling someone's mental health is incredibly damaging.  In fact the most damaging.  As a Britney Spears fan you should know that.  You need to reevaluate your thoughts on her clearly.  You're one of the very people I'm talking about.


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8 minutes ago, Slayde said:

Honestly at this point I am starting to think Britney Spears is one of the most critiqued and criticized people in history. I love and support her so much. We are really lucky to still have her alive today. What has all this criticism and hate achieved for all those people who continue to slander and bash her, her name, her brand, her business and everything that is Britney Spears. At this point we are looking at someone who could honestly be one of the biggest stars in the world yet again just based on the fact that people want to constantly belittle and hate on her. 

Thank-goodness that Britney ignores everything that is said about her and kudos to her for making it this far and staying in the business. No one will ever go what she went through from the music business to the GP and all of the hate. They wouldn't make it through it like Britney has. 

Slay this beautifully spilt tea :tiffanycries:

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13 minutes ago, Aymama said:

Slay this beautifully spilt tea :tiffanycries:

Thanks sis :reductive: 

I shouldn't let it get to me and if there is one thing I've learnt from Britney it is that it's best to ignore the negative things in life. Britney is incredibly underrated in terms of her life story and her coming through so many bad times and making it over so many walls. The person she is today is reflective of the strength and her innate ability to make it through every moment in life and never complaining that her life is hard. Unfortunately, some  people don't want her to succeed. They want to break her down and make her have a breakdown in life just to make themselves feel better about themselves. Britney will win. She has nothing to prove to these negative people. 

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I love you're positive attitude and everything but you are so wrong about anxiety. How can you deny it when she herself has spoken about it?  Saying she has anxiety in no way demeans or belittles her truly innate strength to get through everything shes ever faced. And the fact you dismiss it is actually quite damaging more than anything as if its something to be ashamed off... its attitudes like that which make people suffering not want to come forward and speak about it.

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