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People are acting like fans and critics aren't responsible for the reason Britney has anxiety on stage. And people are severely over estimating how bad she was and has been. 

Really the only problem is that she has that awful old POM choreo. Whenever she performs the new stuff it looks good, even DYWCO looked good last night because of her energy. 



I think Britney is finally in a place where she can step it up but her team isn't connecting her with the right people. Just think if something Like BJ or FF happened again if Britney hadn't found Karen? That's what she needs for her performances too. Someone to inspire her. She clearly cares about performing because her stage presence this year is the best since 2004. I think it just has a lot to do with her not really doing anything outside of Vegas for years but she's still IMO improving leaps and bounds.

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9 hours ago, xBritneyFan19x said:

The "choreography" excuse has been used since 2008. First it was Andre's fault during the Circus tour and MVs, then it was Brian's fault for not pushing her during the HIAM MV, and now that's she's actually doing more choreography in her performances than any point since 2008, it's the "poor choreography" that's holding her back.

We haven't seen her come anywhere close to her old performances for almost a decade now. Forgive me for not following everything she's done, but the last time I saw anything close to the stage presence/energy she used to have was during the Womanizer X Factor performance in 2008. Even though there wasn't much at all in the way of choreography, she was hitting every move, she had that look in her eye as she stared into the crowd, and she didn't have to make cute faces every 10 seconds to convince everyone she was engaged in her performance. In terms of dancing ability, by far the best we've seen since 2008 was the BBMA this year.

It's hard to put a finger on a single factor that's made her performance level drop so much - it's probably a myriad of things. Her dancing is obviously nowhere near as technically good as it used to be; she's often stiff, slow, lacks energy and she often doesn't follow through with each move. It always seems to me nowadays that rather than devoting her energy to the moves she's performing, she's spending the whole time thinking only about what her next move is. She seems unable to look into the crowd for more than half a second without making an exaggerated facial expression. She seems deathly afraid of looking into any cameras. Her stage presence has severely diminished, so much so that I was paying more attention to the Exhale comment last night than the performances. I'm no longer excited and eager to see the next move she's going to kill on-stage; rather, I'm just watching her go through the motions as she did in rehearsals.


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12 hours ago, The Dream said:

Britney without her goofy faces is not Britney.

Except that she did not make goofy faces all the time during her performances in the past. I love goofyney too but sometimes it does take away a little from the performance, especially when she makes a ******* fierce face and then immediately switches to a goofy one instead. Either way, I'm glad she can execute choreo flawlessly, especially GM. 

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9 hours ago, ViciousVixen said:

The womanizer dance break really saves this era for me

but it hasn't been done epically since the bbma imo

since then it's gotten pretty lazy and even when she does it

you can tell she's counting the steps in her head 

Right? Seems like she's not into the break anymore, she got tired of it. What about the GM choreo? She always messes with it too, but I can't tell if it's on purpose or if she just forgot the steps. Gimme More was my favorite choreography, but now she never does it right.

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Agreed. ESP with point 1, I was watching her show at Apple last night and it was something that I couldn't ignore throughout the show, cause she kept doing it lol and it doesn't 'fit', it just looks bad idk and this too


That and her often walking back and forth in the same space. She should either do the same choreo as her dancers or improve her freestyling moves, she used to be really good at them

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1 minute ago, Sparks said:

Agreed. ESP with point 1, I was watching her show at Apple last night and it was something that I couldn't ignore throughout the show, cause she kept doing it lol and it doesn't 'fit', it just looks bad idk and this too


That and her often walking back and forth in the same space. She should either do the same choreo as her dancers or improve her freestyling moves, she used to be really good at them

I'm glad I'm not overanalysing and that others can see what I see.

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20 hours ago, seanl3s said:

i'm glad she doesn't feel the need to constantly prove herself in her profession, she is not some newbie

Wow what an underwhelming attitude. No she is not some newbie, which is why she can't rely on her past iconic performances from 2000 to 2003 to keep her status as an icon/queen of pop, because we are in 2016 now. If she wants to shut the gp and haters up and stop people from saying that she is stiff and that she ''used'' to be good, she needs to work a bit more on her abilities and deliver some good choreo and challenge herself a bit more, but oh well

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4 hours ago, Sparks said:

Wow what an underwhelming attitude. No she is not some newbie, which is why she can't rely on her past iconic performances from 2000 to 2003 to keep her status as an icon/queen of pop, because we are in 2016 now. If she wants to shut the gp and haters up and stop people from saying that she is stiff and that she ''used'' to be good, she needs to work a bit more on her abilities and deliver some good choreo and challenge herself a bit more, but oh well

yeah but i don't care about the GP or the haters and all their critical comments and neither does she. I'm just not as hard to please as some people I guess. I think she does a great job but I think it's gotten to a point where even if she pulls the greatest routine in her life people will still criticise it or find something that should have or would have been better and if that was me, and that was my job constantly under the microscope I would rather not stress about pleasing everyone and focus on pleasing myself, which i think Britney is doing. A few years ago we would be lucky if she hung around on stage for 15 seconds after a performance, it was clear she wasn't feeling it, and now she is doing 1 hour 30 minute festivals outside of vegas, 25 minute features at iheart, opening award shows as a headliner, giving us great music and great promo. I dont personally think I or anyone has the right or are deserving to be on the edge of my seat for all the things she isn't doing when we already get so much from her.

If she's gonna up her routines then she'll do it in her own time i guess, she's just finding her way back into mainstream and i disagree with part of your comment, her iconic performances will always keep her status as it is now, true she was more "out there" ten years ago but iheart, vma, bbmas... these are the performances that we have and we will always remember them, but sadly exhale is more concerned with her "legendary status" than her happiness and the joy she gives her millions of fans around the world.

Just my take on it. We need to let her take her baby steps and if she wants to compete with her old self then thats cool maybe she will but if not, then i'm just glad she's here and doing something. Personally i'd rather have who she is now than nothing at all.

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I gotta go with the goofy faces, i mean it's fine when she is doing tracks like IUSA or DS, but never on songs like IAS4U, BOM, TOMH that you're suppose to be ****, even on tracks like BOMT or OIDIA when it's about the attitude and not acting like a parody, and the timing at the end on MATM it's ridiculous cause she just stands there until the song it's over when she should hit the last move at that part, small changes would give big results


Not even talking about Circus Breakdown :embarrassney: Never ever i saw her just standing there on a breakdown on a song

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I think the reason why she does so many goofy faces is because there's way too much time without choreo, like DYWCO could be really great if it had more moves for example. And yeah, she definitely needs to stop with her residency, I think it made her a little lazy too like she does the same **** so many times so she doesn't feel the need to rehearse, but if she had a new choreographer that gives her more moves, I'm pretty sure she would hit the dance studio a lot more. And honestly, she just doesn't let loose when she performs, she needs to stop overthinking about what moves comes next and improvise a lot more, but again, I feel like she would be able to improvise more if she was more at the dance studio. Maybe her team babysit her too much imo 

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The choreo is 100% the problem-- Britney was ALL in at the IHeart performance-- she was glowing with confidence and charisma, energy, and even precision in her moves. It was primeney performing some really bad choreography.


The problem is-- I have a feeling Britney herself is to blame for the choreography. I really thought the Make Me and DYWCO performances were going to be her best in a long time (judging by how much she improved over the last year or so), but they're just ok.


The last piece of the puzzle is just putting in those little segments with intricate, hot choreo (I'd count the Toxic floor choreo at BBMAs)-- she CAN do it, and hopefully she will.

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20 minutes ago, woabritney said:

The choreo is 100% the problem-- Britney was ALL in at the IHeart performance-- she was glowing with confidence and charisma, energy, and even precision in her moves. It was primeney performing some really bad choreography.

that was most definitely NOT primeney, no matter the choreography... she was stiff, compare her to her background dancers. her background dancers were doing the moves with more fluidity and MUCH better execution.

primeney leads her dancers, not the other way around.

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I actually think a lot of this is down to her being bored with the choreography now, she kind of goes through the motions but doesn't feel it anymore, and who can blame her? She has been doing some of these routines for years now!! Way longer than she would've if it was a tour. 

I also think that some of the songs are under choreographed where they've left her almost improvising or looking for something to do. If she had a flat out routine then she would do better hence work ***** being one of the best. 

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