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Watch Britney Spears Perform At The iHeartRadio Music Festival

Jordan Miller

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1 hour ago, BenDBitch said:

Funny cause all i can hear in the TV and read on the internet is that she reclaimed her throne, fought her demons, back to being Queen and stuff like that. So it's just like 10% of exhale who talk about nonsense stuff like this tbh.:rude2me:  You guys think that the dancing is boring because you've seen it 10000x already. Most of the fans and people don't watch instagram videos of her vegas show. So obviously she won't bring new choreos for the sake of some psycho fans. These performances are the best things happened to this fanbase since 1100 and has great impact on her image


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Ok I'm the first to be super hard on Britney, but I was so HAPPY :yay: with this performance! First of all her outfit was SO **** :TOMH:!! I loved her pony tails such a cute hairstyle, and her energy was on point! She didn't look bored or tired, you can tell she was putting in 100% and that's all I can ask for! :brityes:

The only part I skipped on was the Missy Elliot part because.. why:embarrassney:


We all need to be thankful we are getting this many performances out of her this era! Cause usually we are lucky if we get one. And we still have more to go!

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15 minutes ago, saicis said:

The delusion. Beyonce may lip-sync but she sings live a lot too. Britney NEVER sings live now, not even one word. Also, Beyonce puts on a ******** performance... every thing she does is rehearsed and effective. It's embarrassing that you use her as an excuse as to why Britney should be allowed to get away with lip-synching. Again with Michael...he danced his *** off, Britney doesn't. There's literally NO excuse for Britney. 

Well, okay. First I didn't use Beyonce as an example, I quoted someone that mentioned her lipsynching. I said basically the same thing you did...The reason most people don't care about Beyonce lipping is because there are other factors in the show to make up for it. I guess I should add: she also sings live at times too. 

As for Michael Jackson there are performances of his where he doesn't even have a microphone. Plus he lipped every single performance of Man In The Mirror, there's no dance routine for that song.

I do agree with you that Britney doesn't have an excuse to lip especially being that she doesn't really commit to her choreography. Her live presentation comes across as lazy and uninspired which is why she's so heavily criticized 


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Personally I liked the performance... I can think of only one thing I would change... and that would be add songs from Glory! Other than that, I'm okay with the performance.

It's ironic to me cause (I could be wrong, but) it seems that, the same people who were downplaying it from the get go (before it even happened) are the ones actually disappointed and finding flaws. Most other people are fine with it. It's funny cause I don't see the point in complaining when A) It's Not gonna make a difference she's gonna do what she wants. B) Hate to break it to you, she's NOT gonna be "Primeney" again... cause she DOESN'T WANT TO BE... and no offense she really can't be "that girl" anymore...

Be glad she's performing at all... and I know I'll get the comments where people say "It's fans like you who keep letting her get away with mediocre performances" and to that I say.... A lot of good you're complaining has done! and Yeah "Ditch" watching Make Me that'll teach em a lesson... It sure did... they DIDN'T CARE!!

I'm not saying you're not allowed to be disappointed, all I'm saying is... there's no point in tearing apart this performance just for the hell of it!

so ENJOY what you get! :riri:


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With so many good songs on the new album and she just makes a performance of one song of the new album, and she chooses DYWCO ?! She should have taken advantage of this performance to promote the new album and not to show that still has power and knows how to dance, because of this she has proved us with the performance in BBMA and POM! (sorry my english)

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8 minutes ago, Jenamariee said:

Ok I'm the first to be super hard on Britney, but I was so HAPPY :yay: with this performance! First of all her outfit was SO **** :TOMH:!! I loved her pony tails such a cute hairstyle, and her energy was on point! She didn't look bored or tired, you can tell she was putting in 100% and that's all I can ask for! :brityes:

The only part I skipped on was the Missy Elliot part because.. why:embarrassney:


We all need to be thankful we are getting this many performances out of her this era! Cause usually we are lucky if we get one. And we still have more to go!

Totally Agree :werk: she did look HOT!!! ;)

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28 minutes ago, ItsGodneyB**ch said:

anti-leotard nazis hahahaha slay


She's not a model to be judged by her outfits. They're important but complementary. Focus should be on her performance which IN MY ******* OPINION (ok britards?? OPINION) it was a bit lacklustre.. I only really enjoyed WB and Slave. The rest was meh.. same haiflips and armography and poses. It's sad because her energy is on point, it seems there's so much potential wasted.

I just rewatched it and I'm not as mad now.

I was just expecting Slumber Party or Love Me Down bc like duh why wouldn't single #2 be performed?

BRITNEY (herself) looked very good, confident, and competent. Serving In The Zone realness (without the proper choreo/direction to guide her).

I maintain that her creative team still needs to be taken out back and shot at point blank range. :tiffsmoke:

Karen please come save her from these amateurs :nyheadache:

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3 minutes ago, Denisa said:

exactly, Backstreet Boys performed their old old oooold songs

Well in Backstreet Boys case..that's all they got lol :hype:


But yes I agree kind of... but then again that's all she's been doing because it's already taught she doesn't need to learn anything new. So it's easier for her and makes her more comfortable maybe. 

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