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Watch Britney Spears Perform At The iHeartRadio Music Festival

Jordan Miller

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18 minutes ago, Hypnotherapy said:

Agree!! If you're going iconic go MOST iconic, Crazy/Stronger should definitely have been BOMT/Oops with the POM break in between. Womanizer should be Gimme More, maybe include the bridge of Womanizer and the dancebreak because it's awesome lol

omg we did 100% agree lmfao :gloria: 

21 minutes ago, PieceofBritney said:

But she performed 2 new songs...enough for them to wonder about her album I think. we're just mad because she performed DYWCO too many times. But for GP its new. 

It's either apple music festival exclusive or something and not that because the girl we saw performing tonight wouldn't rehearsing for more !

I don't understand :s 

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Just now, WootsWow said:

Predictable and boring at times. Most likely because I have watched POM vids so many times.

It is alright but doesn't engaged me to LOVE it.

GP might/might not like it due to the lip synch, otherwise it is ok but nothing memorable aside from her hot body.:donewithit:


mte.. Slave was Boring as hell. Im sure the show was more enjoyable for people who havent watched every singe POM show on Youtube tho. So I dont think that complaining is fair.

Its really sad how negative the comments on the youtube video are. They hurt my soul-

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I'm not gonna lie, in my opinion she looked kinda like a cheap ********.... I love her but all of her moves were taken from ********* I swear..... she only had one great part and that was when she walked off stage because lbr she stunk it up compared to the other artist who were there. She didn't dance, she didn't sing and omg why are we praising her just for looking good. Most of the performers looked good tonight but brought more than just that to the table.... she's literally tarnishing her legacy one era at a time...

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1 hour ago, LilyRoseAllen said:

What's the point of performing old hits for 3 years? Nothing new or fresh...

People love her older stuff and they probably don't want to do a Glory listening party when they are on a festival but rather listen to all of her greatest hits. She performed 2 new songs.  So performing greatest hits means killing legacy according to you....Tell me more :sofedup:

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34 minutes ago, ebritneybeat said:

1)She looked hot
2)She had great energy
3)Her choreos were on fire
4)Her body is goals
5)Her makeup and hair were Primeney

6)She had fun

1)Her outfit didn't look good on her body
2)She should perform more tracks from Glory. The point of her performance was to boost the Glory sales so she should let the GP know that Glory is a masterpiece and it isn't something like Britney Jean. She needed a Glory medley.

Stopped reading after "her outfit didn't look good in her body" . It was one of the best outfits ever 

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It was ok!

Her entrance, outfit, energy, confidence, Slave remix...

But gurl, you have new album and you promote Missy Elliott?! :orangu: And those vocals are really bothering me now. It's clear she has to lipsync cause she's out of breath after few tracks and I'm fine with that as long her energy is good but it has to be done with new vocals :lessons: It's just embarrassing that 35 years old woman sings with her CD vocals from '99 :jackk:



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Just now, XtinaBrit said:



mte.. Slave was Boring as hell. Im sure the show was more enjoyable for people who havent watched every singe POM show on Youtube tho. So I dont think that complaining is fair.

Its really sad how negative the comments on the youtube video are. They hurt my soul-

The issue is the performances probably won't attract "people who haven't watched every single POM show" at all. And these people won't be lenient towards her lip synch lbr. She and her team needs to understand the demographic

1. Fans - watched most POM videos/attended in person. Most likely wouldn't mind lip synch. Thirsty for danceney/controversialney moment.

2. GP - those who have "britney is crazy/untalented/cant sing/has been" mentality. And they WILL shred her apart for lip synching.

3. Britards - minority of the population and is diminishing as we speak. defends every single air britney breathes in. probably could ignore this.


She's not pleasing either group of her demographic at all. Homegirl needs to take a marketing class. Just saying:awks:

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1 hour ago, TheCharmedTributes1 said:

Let's do it! What were your favorite parts, the parts you didn't like? Discuss!

I'd give it a 4. She looked hot af, like 2004ney made a comeback. Her energy was great, but some parts were just like meh imo (for example Toxic and Missy Elliott part). I also felt it was a mixture of her old performances (Piece of Me, VMAs, BBMAs...), so I think it was more enjoyable for GP.


I LOVED IT!!! Her energy, her dance, her attitude was on point! And I actually liked the Crazy dance breakdown!
More Glory tracks would be nice, I agree, but its on the way for sure!!!!!!!!!

and Make Me of course was pure fire again with G!


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19 minutes ago, saicis said:

She seems determined to kill it. Every performance is another nail in the coffin...it's just the same, same, same, same always! No singing, uninspired boring dancing, nothing creative or exciting about her performance. The best we can expect of her is that she doesn't wear a leotard and looks pretty. :otears:

I don't get it tbh. After Femme Fatale and Britney Jean this is heaven! 

No singing? WTF are u talking about?! The last time she sang and danced the same time was in 2000! 

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