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Watch Britney Spears Perform At The iHeartRadio Music Festival

Jordan Miller

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12 minutes ago, cho said:

Ok so here's the timeline: 

he gets admitted to the hospital for diabetes which we didn't know he even had

hes in the hospital for like a day but his dog has cancer and needs to go to the chemotherapy appt which is an hour an a half away so I take him

i come back to hospital and BF is accusing me of "cheating on him" while I was taking our yorkie to chemo 


now, im not a ******* virgin but we are in the ******-infested armpit of America. I wouLd never hook up with someone from around here. I am from a semi-affluent upbringing in south Florida. I have high standards for myself and they don't include being a ***** for hire.


anyway! Last night he went schizo and starts accusing me of all this **** so I went everytime and stormed out of the hospital 

now he's still being a douche 

i don't even know. I should probably just sneak back to fl before he comes home but I love this loser 

Poor you.:idkney:

Maybe he's mentally shocked from discovering that he has a diabetes.

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Britney did great. The thing is that she keeps doing the POM choreos with way too little changes. It has gotten really repetitive. I got bored. She gave her all, but these are choreos I've seen way too many times. I just wish she'd promote herself, that her team would try to remind people her legacy instead of promoting POM. You know what I mean? She needs new choreo and ffs, give her pre recorded vocals for a freaking festival. 

She looked g o r g e o u s though, I was surprised, the fire in her eyes. Just wow.:idkney:

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10 minutes ago, NotAPassenger said:

Sorry but this made me laugh. The Gimme More choreo for the most part is horrendous. She just skips and flicks her legs. The only good bit is the ensemble part and the end. 

The last choreo for Gimme more might be so but im talking bout the one pre-revamped, it was good n best of all along with BTI Everyone agree with :mhm:

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12 minutes ago, NotAPassenger said:

Sorry but this made me laugh. The Gimme More choreo for the most part is horrendous. She just skips and flicks her legs. The only good bit is the ensemble part and the end. 

ugh the Gimme More choreo is so underrated, it's one of the best performances of her show!



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2 hours ago, britney_rocks said:

I think I have a higher standards than most Britney fans nowadays. I don't know if its because I've been a fan of her since day one, or what, but I just expect more from a performer who used to command the stage, and her own dancers couldn't keep up with her. While a lot of her fans seem to go crazy over these performance, I just watch them, and just see something different. To me she just looks like she can't wait for them to be over. It looks more like a rehearsal than anything. Her dance moves just looks amateur. This was a girl who had memorable choreographies, every performance was on point. I don't know whats the definition of on point to most people here is, but to me, she hasn't had a on point performance since her breakdown. The arm waving, the hair flipping, the walking from point A to point B, the fake looking flirting with her dancers schtick, and the bad lipping is getting old. Yeah, she looks good, but that doesn't sell music anymore like it used to, at least not in her case. 

Man I feel you, but Britney from 2004 wont make comeback. She just needs good creative team and good choreographer who knows how to make current Britneys dancing look great.

I love iHeart performance, she looked great and had great energy. And the outfit was WOW!

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The ******* Queen Of Pop killed it at iHeart, it was like 2003 all over again and I'm so proud about this *****! 

Her body is insane, the outfit it's iconic already and her energy was beyond A M A Z I N G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Without any ******* PROPS she nailed that stage, she's the definition of X FACTOR! She is one of the best performer OF ALL TIME! 

She was serving looks, good choreo, energy, face, attitude and FIERCENESS !!!!! 



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2 minutes ago, AndrejBLV said:

Man I feel you, but Britney from 2004 wont make comeback. She just needs good creative team and good choreographer who knows how to make current Britneys dancing look great.

I love iHeart performance, she looked great and had great energy. And the outfit is WOW!

It's so sad to read all the comments about people praising her everything that doesn't include talent - production, looks, outfit, energy :nydisgust:

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There are pros and cons IMO


- THE ******* OUTFIT

- her body, it looks like ITZney's sfm

- she finally performed Work ***** (more than 30 secs) on TV

- Overall she put on a special performance and delivered

- Stronger choreo looked good filmed professionally 

- Slave was interesting


- the Missy medley, completely useless and stiff as ****

- Gimme More and BOMT/Oops could have been used instead of Womanizer and Stronger/Crazy cause they're better performances

- pretending she's holding a bar during DYWCO rather than coming up with new choreo. It's actually a reason why I don't want it as a second single 'cause I want her to have a kick *** choreo in the music video and that just won't do it

- MMI. It was great at the VMAs, it should have stayed unique, it's not anymore

- she doesn't know the Toxic choreo anymore, something I noticed from Vegas but she should have learned it for this

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