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Britney Spears And Ellen DeGeneres Are Double The Trouble At L.A. Mall: Watch

Jordan Miller

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On 9/6/2016 at 2:45 PM, button said:

Sounds fun as hell but I can't help but think this will get them backlash for promoting "celebrity privilege" :eheeek:

I can't also help but imagine people giving themselves the same freedom because they did it and ran away with it

Supermarkets will be a mess because of Britney after the show airs :haha:

im sure the mall managers were aware of everything a head of time

lol that ending!!!! She's as funny as she's always been. Still making those priceless facial expressions:embarrassney:

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Just now, etoya said:

At least she played along there (e.g., dressing up)

I hate moments when she acts like she was ashamed of her songs or achievements. It's so wrong. During Carpool many times she was covering her face or making weird faces. It looks bad. She used to be fun, now she is weird and so shy, which looks werid when she is dressed almost half-naked. :embarrassney:

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1 hour ago, minKey said:

Let's not act like britney did whatever she wanted to :boredashell:

why did you have to bring the most remote negativity here tho? :boredashell:

it's getting annoying lately. let's just enjoy it! :boredashell:

have you read some of the comments on this article? they are defending/praising Britney for her humbleness while being awkward doing and saying the things Ellen was doing. they were praising the fact that she wasn't comfortable being a diva and so.


we have to pay more attention to things and not run immediately to a negative side of all the things she do, ok?


thank you. 

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