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Glory makes another Fan ;) (Album Reaction)


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These type of reactions make me SO HAPPY! To see people who are "indifferent" to Britney or don't have strong opinions about her (Neither negative nor positive) and LOVE the new album! :) showing the Queen's STILL GOT IT!!! (I know this video is old, so some of you may have seen this)

Nobody can say this Album isn't "converting" people back to the of the "Spearit" lol :bcutelaugh: couldn't help but say that! :ricackle:

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Just now, ItsGodneyB**ch said:

Glory is definitely an incredible step in the right direction.

Xactly! :) I know people are disappointed with it's performance in the US. But I think what's more important is that people are starting to take her music more seriously! If more people listen to it and give it a shot (like this guy did) I'm sure they'd love the album too :hype:

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