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Will Britney Get a Snapchat Filter On Her Birthday?


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Hopefully, but don't really see it happening since we haven't had one this era :angietea: I wish there was more SnapChat promo from her team... That's how many users get their news and know what's current. It'd help bring Britney back into the fold of current pop culture in my opinion. :CPKney:

Not that I don't appreciate the promo we've already gotten. (Have to qualify my posts now since people are dragging others for having different opinions now) :brityeah:

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Just now, SlayOut said:

Hopefully, but don't really see it happening since we haven't had one this era :angietea: I wish there was more SnapChat promo from her team... That's how many users get their news and know what's current. It'd help bring Britney back into the fold of current pop culture in my opinion. :CPKney:

Not that I don't appreciate the promo we've already gotten. (Have to qualify my posts now since people are dragging others for having different opinions now) :brityeah:

She needs one tbh. Sia and Madonna had one a while ago. 

I would use it at least 146 times a day tbh :tbh: 

And save :tbh:

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6 minutes ago, SlayOut said:

Hopefully, but don't really see it happening since we haven't had one this era :angietea: I wish there was more SnapChat promo from her team... That's how many users get their news and know what's current. It'd help bring Britney back into the fold of current pop culture in my opinion. :CPKney:

Not that I don't appreciate the promo we've already gotten. (Have to qualify my posts now since people are dragging others for having different opinions now) :brityeah:

IA exposure on Snapchat would be great and would help MM and Glory A LOT. That way they'd attract the teens:rihclap: Ariana even got her own filter on the release day of her album :cigney:

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6 minutes ago, Mani911 said:

IA exposure on Snapchat would be great and would help MM and Glory A LOT. That way they'd attract the teens:rihclap: Ariana even got her own filtrem on the release day of her album :cigney:

Even if they had a filter with the "Glory font" and maybe something animated for the facial filter, that would be nice exposure! I think Ariana's even had Into You or Dangerous Woman playing in the background. If they have the second single in the background that's get people at least hearing a brief snippet of the song!

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