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I'm proud of Britney, her team is the problem!


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2 minutes ago, TheGloryBritney said:

No, I mean she is very passionate again You can feel her happiness about this record in recent interviews

She's happy with the new album but not passionate with her job in general.She prefers being momney.If she was she was passionate she would be competitive,she would serve us iconic performances,perfect music videos etc.She just enjoys the moment.

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2 hours ago, Lord Bills said:

She's a visual artist, performance, video, choreo, amazing photoshoot.

Whitout this stuff she can't be #1, the album is #3 because it's good, but nothing is bringing sales except for the fans.


Yes. This era is amazing because of the album and the promo (yes, if u compare to bjean) but she needs new criative ideas and good producion. There's nothing with visual impact. I can't understand why they don't think and something really big, huge e fresh

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17 minutes ago, lustwecantcontrol said:

The FF era says hi


Jive was smart with that album they picked a time when there were no other major releases and advertised the hell out of the album, there was even tv commercials for it. 

No that album followed a wildly successful comeback but she was already fading when she didn't perform her lead single for months and hyped up that video as a dance video and was stiff...she rebounded when she worked with Rihanna and Nicki so radio backed her third single...the album still under performed for her standards....it had nothing to do with jive the world was expecting her to be her old self b/c with circus they knew she had been out the game for years and been thru the drama with ff they expected her to be way better b/c she was pass the pain and toured and got better and better at the end of that tour 

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8 minutes ago, TheGloryBritney said:

Yes but she was SOOOO dead during that era 

That was my point, she was the worst performing wise and what not that era but the album was still successful because Jive was smart with when it was released and the advertising for the album.....I mean had she done the type of promo she did for FF with RCA's lackluster handling the album would've bombed.....they probably would've picked a horrible week and done nothing to advertise it. 

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3 hours ago, mylonliNESS said:

Basically I think you said it all! I agree with your assessment of the situation! Frankly I think her ENTIRE Team needs a revamp Except for Karen Kwak, she seems to be doing good things Britney.

I'm talkin total revamp (and not like the half baked one in POM) New Stylist (One who gives her pants to wear on stage, My GOD), New Choreographer, NEW MANAGEMENT (sorry Larry, you've had your fun). New Marketing Team, EVERYTHING! She Needs to be re-packaged/re-branded (as offensive as it may sound) as the Princess/Queen of Pop and THAT is the only way to do it. Britney seems to be going down a good route, can't say that about her... "current" team

I want to agree with this post but I feel like it's Britney's fault tbh Britney lip synchs everything, she made carpool karaoke seem awkward ( we know she has anxiety but if she can't fully be herself and do the job why sign up for it yah now?) I think her coregraphers don't push her anymore which they need too , the make me video should've happened I feel like it was britney who stopped production on it couldve happened if she wanted it too. So I feel like Britney and her team need a revamp but can we give her team credit they have been giving her lots of promo for the album and schedule a few performances. 

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I agree with some people's points on here. I think Britney desperately needs a new team around her. Larry is great and he has definitely played a crucial part in getting Britney to where she is today but she needs people who understand the music landscape NOW. Even if she kept Larry around but hired some younger people to help guide her career I think that would make a huge difference. She needs people who thoroughly understand the way the music industry operates today and who can help her reinvent herself to stay relevant in today's always changing music scene.

Unfortunately, I think Britney is really comfortable with her team. They understand the way she works and she understands them. They get that her priority is being a present mother to her boys above all else. Given these reasons, I don't think Britney's team will be changing any time soon.

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7 minutes ago, MTL899 said:

I agree with some people's points on here. I think Britney desperately needs a new team around her. Larry is great and he has definitely played a crucial part in getting Britney to where she is today but she needs people who understand the music landscape NOW. Even if she kept Larry around but hired some younger people to help guide her career I think that would make a huge difference. She needs people who thoroughly understand the way the music industry operates today and who can help her reinvent herself to stay relevant in today's always changing music scene.

Unfortunately, I think Britney is really comfortable with her team. They understand the way she works and she understands them. They get that her priority is being a present mother to her boys above all else. Given these reasons, I don't think Britney's team will be changing any time soon.

Larry can stay but she needs to add new people, Karen is a GREAT start 

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4 hours ago, mylonliNESS said:

Basically I think you said it all! I agree with your assessment of the situation! Frankly I think her ENTIRE Team needs a revamp Except for Karen Kwak, she seems to be doing good things Britney.

I'm talkin total revamp (and not like the half baked one in POM) New Stylist (One who gives her pants to wear on stage, My GOD), New Choreographer, NEW MANAGEMENT (sorry Larry, you've had your fun). New Marketing Team, EVERYTHING! She Needs to be re-packaged/re-branded (as offensive as it may sound) as the Princess/Queen of Pop and THAT is the only way to do it. Britney seems to be going down a good route, can't say that about her... "current" team


For the first time in like almost 10 years (?) Britney is not the problem. She recorded an AMAZING album, sounds maybe better than never.. she's confident and happy. It's time to take the next step and for that she needs a better management. Larry needs to go and to hire an assistant who can give him new ideas + IA Britney REALLY NEEDS to be repackaged so she can take the place that is rightfully hers as the princess of pop.

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3 hours ago, ebritneybeat said:

She's happy with the new album but not passionate with her job in general.She prefers being momney.If she was she was passionate she would be competitive,she would serve us iconic performances,perfect music videos etc.She just enjoys the moment.

It´s very sad but I kind of agree, if she really wanted to she could be the center of attention again, she clearly doesn´t want that anymore and hasn´t wanted it for a while :bthink:

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All you people blaming Britney forget what happens BEYOND an artist in a competent team backing a Legend like Britney

YES, Britney's a problem - she clearly doesn't put a lot of time into the choreo, refuses to sing live, and allows half-hearted and mediocre choreo/promo/visuals/ETC

BUT Britney's team is clearly incompetent. Britney's team needs to make up for her short-comings and step in where Britney's patience ends. 

Beyonce's team made her a phenomenon based on marketing alone. Hit singles? Hardly. Hit albums? Not really... she's had mediocre sales that stall quickly. She's never come close to a diamond record, and Britney's had 2. They landed her the Super Bowl; they cooked up the now brilliant and iconic "surprise" visual album releases; they QUIETLY REMOVE any and all bad media/photos/etc regarding Bey online; they buy her album sales, awards, writing/producing credits, on and on; amongst SO MUCH ELSE.

I'm NOT saying I want Britney to cheat the system like Bey, but I'm just showing how a team can really make a HUGE different in an artist's career without the artist having to do any work.

Britney's team can't even properly payola a track for radio and establish a single anymore. They don't cross-market any of Britney's music into any brands, advertisements, etc (which gave Gaga's Applause longevity)... There's so many things Britney's team SHOULD be doing without Britney having to be involved AT ALL.

They don't invest in Britney as an artist and it only hurts her image and career at this point.

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23 minutes ago, Streets said:

All you people blaming Britney forget what happens BEYOND an artist in a competent team backing a Legend like Britney

YES, Britney's a problem - she clearly doesn't put a lot of time into the choreo, refuses to sing live, and allows half-hearted and mediocre choreo/promo/visuals/ETC

BUT Britney's team is clearly incompetent. Britney's team needs to make up for her short-comings and step in where Britney's patience ends. 

Beyonce's team made her a phenomenon based on marketing alone. Hit singles? Hardly. Hit albums? Not really... she's had mediocre sales that stall quickly. She's never come close to a diamond record, and Britney's had 2. They landed her the Super Bowl; they cooked up the now brilliant and iconic "surprise" visual album releases; they QUIETLY REMOVE any and all bad media/photos/etc regarding Bey online; they buy her album sales, awards, writing/producing credits, on and on; amongst SO MUCH ELSE.

I'm NOT saying I want Britney to cheat the system like Bey, but I'm just showing how a team can really make a HUGE different in an artist's career without the artist having to do any work.

Britney's team can't even properly payola a track for radio and establish a single anymore. They don't cross-market any of Britney's music into any brands, advertisements, etc (which gave Gaga's Applause longevity)... There's so many things Britney's team SHOULD be doing without Britney having to be involved AT ALL.

They don't invest in Britney as an artist and it only hurts her image and career at this point.

There are a lot of incorrect statements in what you wrote.  First of all FF is her most successful era on radio and NONE of the singles received any form of payola.  Radio deals hurt her more than help and we see that with Oooh La, La, La, PG, WB and MM.  They need to cut it out!

They did a fine job in cross-marketing I Wanna Go putting it on a major advertisement platform.  In fact, the entire FF era was brilliantly marketed.

The investment in Britney stopped after she joined RCA.  There have been so many fiasco's under this label that it is impossible to blame anything else but them. 

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