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Brit already recorded SP video.......... 17 years ago! Timetravelney


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3 hours ago, jamesedward94 said:

Okay, Britney seriously has the best personality of any pop star ever. It's honestly so sad how the world just tore her apart. It's really hard to watch this and not just fall instantly in love with her. She is the best! I'm SO glad she's starting to act like her old self again. In all of the recent interviews she has just been chatting away and acting bubbly and it makes me so happy!

See I think thats why Larry shouldn't get so much hate and is probably the reason Britney stayed so loyal to him. He saw something in her that no one else could and knew she was more than just a band member and saw her full potential. Thats why I respect her so much because she knew without him, she wouldnt be where she is while other popstars paid the people that discover them dust. 

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