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Britney Answers Questions About 'Glory': Watch

Jordan Miller

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Britney Spears took to Twitter to answer questions about Glory.

Inspiration struck the princess of pop on Saturday (September 03). Brit alerted fans she'd answer a few questions about her recent album, which lands at No. 3 on the Billboard 200 (and No. 2 in the U.K.).

The highlights (via Exhale member SlayOut):

■ Classic and 80s music is her favorite music to workout to.
■ Books, girly things like PJs and underwear are a must for her suitcase.
■ Sushi restaurant in Vegas is her fave.
■ Stretch, sit-ups, prayer, do chest exercises before the show.
■ The TV doesn't do Kim Kardashian justice because she's beautiful.
■ First CD she ever bought was Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You."
■ It took two and a half years to record Glory.
■ "The one where, uh, the yella' thing is crying and laughing at the same time" is her favorite.
■ "Ellen is a nice and funny lady" about when she'll appear on the Ellen Show.
■ She recorded "Coupure Electriqué" in French since she was listening to eclectic music at the time, and hadn't recorded in french before. She also mentioned she recorded in Spanish.

Scroll through the Tweets above.

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1 minute ago, ChrisTheLoner said:

I hope someone asks about the next single :shake:

Slumber Party or DYWCO would be perfect candidates :yesplease:

Seriously! I really hope Slumber Party is the next single but I would be happy if DYWCO is the second single! It's growing on me more and more tbh :saycheese:

Just now, Acai Berry said:

I asked her about amount of singles this era :mhmsureny: I don't want another BJ :otears:

I hope the rumors about 4 singles this era that the PopJustice insider talked about are true! We'll have to wait and see I guess!

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