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Why Britney acts "Stiff"


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I know that this is a very sensitive topic on here, and that this will either be closed or will have so many dislikes.. but I wanted to add light on the many comments over the years, as there has been a debate. People have said she acts stiff, people have said she hasn't, and I just want to add an article. :idkney:



I know it says 'hollywood life' but it's not made up, it's based on an episode of Dr Drew talking about Britney after her GMA 2011 performance. Okay now getting to the point, she's fine now, but after 2008, in interviews and in concerts she has appeared 'stiff and awkward' can she still kill choreo? Of course, but she isn't as fluid. I've realised this could very well be due to her medication, as she's said herself she has Bipolar Disorder. The medication can have symptoms that make you appear "stiff" and that's literally all I wanted to say. If you've watched interviews from years ago, and interviews now, and wondered why she acts different, I've suggested a possible reason. Is she still the lovely down to earth queen Godney? Of course, please don't take this the wrong way.. but you know... :donewithit: 

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we dont know her diagnose and it was joke in IABJ 
I think it's simple...
ask every professional dancer, if they stop dance for a long time, they lose their skills 
she stopped in 2004 and didn't dance till vma 07 
and it wasn't hardcore dancing like before...mostly like her new "style"
she did good at Mannequin and Circus rehearsals tho but then she started walking again, ofc she won't be the same 
Primeney rehearsed all day long, and before fame she danced a lot too, she never stopped before knee and pregnancy 

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27 minutes ago, anti said:


She didn't 100% confirm it, but even before the documentary it's been alleged she was diagnosed with Bipolar.

Ffs, she was joking. It's from IABJ and it was pretty obvious that she was joking. She wasn't like "I have bipolar disorder" so no, she never confirmed it.

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21 minutes ago, Erreur 2 La Nature said:

The whole sentance seems weird to me. I just can't believe Britney would say that even if it was true. I feel like it's made up or they modified it/added the end to get more attention. I don't think she is bipolar and I would believe it only if she was telling it in a video tbh

The whole article is full of IABJ quotes. She did say these stuff in a video, but she was joking.

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I swear some people here are stupid.She was joking u fool.The article is bullshit..U just have to watch the documentary again.She was JOKING.Many people joke for being bipolar etc etc..Im saying it all the time ..It doesnt mean im bipolar..Being bipolar is a heavy disease and she wouldnt even share that info in front of the cameras..ffs.Get ur **** together sis,this is serious.Britney is fine.She definitely had some issues..but if the girl was sick she wouldnt even be alllowed to do all the things she has done the recent years.(2 tours,3albums,xfactor,vegas)

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31 minutes ago, thrive94 said:

I swear some people here are stupid.She was joking u fool.The article is bullshit..U just have to watch the documentary again.She was JOKING.Many people joke for being bipolar etc etc..Im saying it all the time ..It doesnt mean im bipolar..Being bipolar is a heavy disease and she wouldnt even share that info in front of the cameras..ffs.Get ur **** together sis,this is serious.Britney is fine.She definitely had some issues..but if the girl was sick she wouldnt even be alllowed to do all the things she has done the recent years.(2 tours,3albums,xfactor,vegas)


You can be bi-polar and be successful. Pete Wentz for example who has admitted it. It's really none of our business, but their are doctor reports that say otherwise. Anyhow, what does bipolar have to do with "Britney dancing stiff"? :boredashell:

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4 minutes ago, Brian♥Ryan said:

You can be bi-polar and be successful. Pete Wentz for example who has admitted it. :boredashell:

I dont know about that.Im not an expert,all i know is that op's post is invalid since brit was joking about that..It wasnt even a statement or smth serious.She was trollingg hard loool

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Just now, thrive94 said:

I dont know about that.Im not an expert,all i know is that op's post is invalid since brit was joking about that.She was laughing..It wasnt even a statement or smth serious.She was trolling.


Oh okay. I was wondering what the correlation was lol I was like there's bipolar people that can dance their *** off

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1 hour ago, tsss said:

we dont know her diagnose and it was joke in IABJ 
I think it's simple...
ask every professional dancer, if they stop dance for a long time, they lose their skills 
she stopped in 2004 and didn't dance till vma 07 
and it wasn't hardcore dancing like before...mostly like her new "style"
she did good at Mannequin and Circus rehearsals tho but then she started walking again, ofc she won't be the same 
Primeney rehearsed all day long, and before fame she danced a lot too, she never stopped before knee and pregnancy 

 I'm a male dancer and i don't know what is like to get back to dancing after pregnancy. I did break my ilium and honestly sometimes i dance cautiously because i might break it !! so it makes since Britney is more cautious about her dance moves !! and don't get me wrong, she still got it big time but refuses to pop it out for some reasons !! But lets appreciate the improvement from FF era. 

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She started to act "stiff" after her publicised public breakdown in 2007. This maybe due to the bad publicity and negative responses from GP went through her head. This was also the time where she lost custody of her kids and had divorce with K Fed. Then came conservatorship :tiffsniffle:

She IS looking happier and gaining confidence probably due to she is in a lot better place now. She has the kids mostly with her, the media does not go crazy with her like they used to and she has found balance by performing in Vegas and spending time with family :carpoolney:

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During FF era she was extremely medicated, everybody could notice that. But today she's way better, because when you start using those kind of medications it takes time for body to adjust. Now we have more alive Britney, but I think she lost her self as a dancer and performer due her struggles in private life; and she can't gain confidence that she once had.

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23 minutes ago, Alexio said:

After her knee injury on the set of Outrageous in 2004, things changed.

She already hurt her knee on the set of Sometimes in 1999, but that second time was worse for her.

But we got Mannequin rehearsal video and original Circus choreography after that. I don't think the main reason of her stiffness is her previous injuries. I guess it's combination of low level of self-confident, practice and good choreographs. She just lost her self as dancer and performer.

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1 hour ago, tsss said:

we dont know her diagnose and it was joke in IABJ 
I think it's simple...
ask every professional dancer, if they stop dance for a long time, they lose their skills 
she stopped in 2004 and didn't dance till vma 07 
and it wasn't hardcore dancing like before...mostly like her new "style"
she did good at Mannequin and Circus rehearsals tho but then she started walking again, ofc she won't be the same 
Primeney rehearsed all day long, and before fame she danced a lot too, she never stopped before knee and pregnancy 

Rythmn isn't something you lose theirs no way in hell a women as perfect at dancing as her can lose rythmn and fluidity...during circus is a prime example she didn't dance much but the steps she did she nailed  b/c she could still dance 

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