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I got cheated on my boyfriend and "Glory" got me through.


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My bf cheated on me too a few days ago and i keep blasting repeat button at Liar, this song is strong and give me energy, also Make me and Change Your Mind and Do you wanna come over make me want to go on another first date :bootyney: But when i'm not in mood I just play If I'm Dancing, Man on the moon or Better and just dance like a crazy or Change Your Mind, Private Show or Love me down and I sing . But if i need to chill i just smoke something good and play Slumber Party, Invitation, Just love me, just like me or Coupure Électrique and have a chill
Keep on repeat Glory we will be health by Godney power soon :kisses2all: In between of this i play Hard to forget ya or Clumsy :saycheese: This album make me gonna forget about this ******* soon and just enjoy the good music. 



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