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My Video for Liar!

Delicious Pork Chops

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1 hour ago, - Kyle - said:

:) It's something quick and rough, but my idea is Britney figures out her bf has been a Liar...so she breaks up and goes hooks up with other men.  He realises what he did, but now Britney has moved on!

@Kiiddy @Young Törless @KW. @SexyJeans @Zatanna @breaktheiceofmrv @Fr3d @Stranded @Dynasty


Like THIS needs to be  thing :shake: why isn't this official!!! I LOVED LOVED IT!!!!!!!! Way to go!!!! :myjam: bopping to this jam right now!! Flawlessly done :bwink: Make more ;)

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1 hour ago, F3rzz said:

the mashup is great, a little too speeded up maybe.



i don't really get the video and i hate that ******* triangle napkin she wears while she rolls her assho on make me mickey mouse club mix video

Lord have mercy on my soul please! :orangu:

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Just now, mylonliNESS said:

Anytime! :hugs: you deserve it sis! 

though I see I wasn't tagged in the OP :whitneyshade:... I see how it is :nothavingit:

I had so many names to remember. :crying2: And exhale is so glitchy so i can't update posts anymore :(

or edit them.

1 hour ago, F3rzz said:

the mashup is great, a little too speeded up maybe.



i don't really get the video and i hate that ******* triangle napkin she wears while she rolls her assho on make me mickey mouse club mix video

I didn't speed up anything. :orangu:But yeah makes sense i guess. 

I just wanted to have some recent clips of Britney for the video.


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Just now, mylonliNESS said:

Hahaha its okay I was kidding :bigkiss::hugs: you have my support anyway! Tag or no Tag ;)


Just now, MeowBurglar said:





I didn't know I needed this in my life but now... holy crap! Why does that work so well together??! lol


I love it! A HQ audio version would be amazzzzinng.

The "acapella" was a lq version i could find online, :(

If someone has an HQ version it would be greatly appreciate. 


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