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New Make Me Remix for EXHALE, Dance/Pop/EDM/Chill made by me for you all! #GLORYREMIXES


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Hey everyone. :) 

I'm so happy for Britney and everything she's doing right now. I'm proud of her, and she's inspiring us all. So much, I wanted to make a Glory remix album, starting with the first single, Make Me. <3 

I hope you all enjoy it. I wish Britney could here it, tooI'm sure she'd think it's "pretty cool and fun. Very melodic and chill." ;) 

Hope you all like it. There's two versions. And original mix idea I had, and the final mix. 

Love you all exhale! <3

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Compure Electrique - faster beat would be great..something to get blood moving..

Just Luv Me...need it to get my heart pumping...no werid sounds..dont speed up vocals..

Private Show..been waiting for one thats great for this one...need it bad

i love CHANGE YOUR MIND and LIAR already as is..perfection..but new spice and new art is never bad thing


oh god im so excited to hear what ya come up with!!! your a gem

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Private show is pretty much impossible. It's not in common time (123,123 not1234,1234) so it makes it horrifying to work with. 

Another thing is I need acapellas for the Glory tracks. I'm sure as you know normally only singles have acapellas surface. Sometimes you can filter it but it doesn't sound right and can make your ears bleed. 

I'm thinking of doing Slumber Party. I'm staring at my computer screen debating if I want to start it. It's my favorite song off GLORY besides Man on the Moon, and I have the little bit of vocals that leaked. They're clear but it's only like, a minute. 

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