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Britney needs... hmm.. creativity


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Guys..when you watch old performances you can see too much suprises and stuffs in songs.. For example, you remember BOMT and OIDIA as cabaret..or slave 4 you as jungle remix.. All songs were remixed with too much catchy and dance segments.. All that Brit needs is creative team with fresh and good ideas.. Vegas is stupid in my opinion.. Choreographers are awful.. Wade was legendary.. She needs better choreography without too much nude parts..of course, I would love her even if she dance in dracula costume :o  :o  what is your opinion?

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We all can see she is ready. Yes she needs a creativity team to give her out of this world ideas. Swear MM VMA could have been better even if she was just standing in front of a mic with 2 back up singers at the back doing snappy choreography while holding a stand mic while the small stage tries to zoom closer to the audience slowly and towards the end, a flock of dancers swarm in and do a final chorus choreography slow and sensual. Or I dunno, she needs a team with great visuals.

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29 minutes ago, Nebulosa said:

Whole music industry mainstream in US needs it to be honest. Even Hollywood, havent been to the movies in ages, so boring.

yup :tbh: 

11 minutes ago, lustwecantcontrol said:

Well I liked the shadow puppet thing on the VMA's and it was really cool how the dancers formed a dress for her behind the screen I thought that was pretty creative. I just think she's at a point in her career where she's not really sure what she wants, she's got the music part figured out but the rest is still a work in progress. 

yes, IA. That was creative and quite artistic. But people nowadays only see creativity in surprises and shockers :wtf: 

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12 minutes ago, lustwecantcontrol said:

Well I liked the shadow puppet thing on the VMA's and it was really cool how the dancers formed a dress for her behind the screen I thought that was pretty creative. I just think she's at a point in her career where she's not really sure what she wants, she's got the music part figured out but the rest is still a work in progress. 

And when she swing her arm, the 'dress' just fly away~

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6 minutes ago, Mani911 said:

I mean, MIley Cyrus wasn't creative she was just tasteless and shocking.
Beyonka is making surprises all the time and people view this as creativity :embarrassney:


6 minutes ago, Mani911 said:

I mean, MIley Cyrus wasn't creative she was just tasteless and shocking.
Beyonka is making surprises all the time and people view this as creativity :embarrassney:


6 minutes ago, Mani911 said:

I mean, MIley Cyrus wasn't creative she was just tasteless and shocking.
Beyonka is making surprises all the time and people view this as creativity :embarrassney:

Not as Beyonka.. As Britney, baby... Her dance on chair in Stronger is legendary.. Singing with M. Jeckson.. She can be more creative.. She is PREPAIRED! NOW IS TIME!! ONLY BRITNEY FU*KIN LEGENDARY PERFORMER SPEARS CAN UPGRADE THIS ERA.. She is in condition again and only what is needed is creativity.. No suprises as Bey or Miley.. It hasnt to be shocking.. As I sad - cabaret version of songs, good remixes, one good breakdown (she won't explode if she learns harder choreographies), role in movie, duet with someone who is popular now, performances with old hits with original costumes and choreo - to show nowday's. teenagers who was she back then , one good live performance - live singing - to haters who should **** off and shut up etc etc.. People, Britney is PREPAIRED FOR THIS!!! PLEAS,E ,LARRY, WAKE HER!!!

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1 hour ago, lustwecantcontrol said:

Well I liked the shadow puppet thing on the VMA's and it was really cool how the dancers formed a dress for her behind the screen I thought that was pretty creative. I just think she's at a point in her career where she's not really sure what she wants, she's got the music part figured out but the rest is still a work in progress. 

Exactly.She's creative in studio and she will be creative on stage soon.She needs more time.This is the first time she recorded an album that she wants since Blackout.

She will find out what she wants on stage too.Personally i wasn't expecting anything she does in POM 2.0,even some of the things in POM 1.0

I loved the dancer-dress.It was so unexpected and beautiful :feelingmyself:

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