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Attn: Whining about Britney.


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I have been reading the comments on this forum and the various threads for a while now. Most of the time I don't comment because there doesn't seem to be a point, but after Today Show segment I'm pissed.


People need to grow the **** up and realize she IS doing her best. This is her level of acceptable now. She is happy, healthy, and appears to be whole. I don't care if other performers dance more/better or other performers sing live. That is them, this is Britney. Her fans compare her to everyone else but she ISN'T everyone else, she is Britney.  If you have a problem with Britney then there is the door and you can GTFO.


This forum is one of the most toxic places I've ever seen on the internet and that is saying something. If I were Britney and came here and read this stuff I would say '**** you *************' and quit. I'd never put new music out. I definitely wouldn't go on television and perform because all anyone would do would *****. I wouldn't release music videos because the 'fans' would start a petition to see the original one because some ******* leaked part of it even though it was never meant to be seen. I wouldn't learn new choreography or add new numbers to my show because everyone would complain that it's 'too boring' or 'horrible' or that I 'need a new choreographer'.


You guys that complain constantly do realize it's like you've been given a free car. Say you are given a free car, like a Bently. Instead of being grateful and enjoying this amazing car you've been given, you ***** because it's not a Lambo.

Get over yourselves and what you think Britney SHOULD be and enjoy what she is giving us now. This woman - this incredible woman - came out of the darkest place in her life. She has been climbing this rock wall for YEARS and she is finally reaching the top of it.  She poured herself into this album. She is performing outside of her shows. She is doing radio and television interviews. She has tweeted and interacted on Instagram. She did a Twitter Q & A. She released songs EARLY to give the fans a teaser of the album she worked so hard on.

I don't really think you guys understand the amount of effort it has taken Britney to get back to where she (seems) to be now. I am SO happy for her. The light at the end of the tunnel is finally shining on her and I'll be damned if I just sit here and watch you guys try to rain on her parade without saying anything. If you aren't happy with what she is doing, then save your energy and go elsewhere because bitching on a forum and tearing her down is going to accomplish NOTHING. Not a damn thing. Let me say that again: YOU ARE WASTING YOUR TIME.  The petition to release the video? Nothing. The complaints about the music? Nothing. There is no point in being so negative.


Take a page from Britney's book and try spreading love instead of hate. It's ok to express you don't like something she does or you are disappointed, but FFS if that is all you do or you just tear her down, leave it at the door.



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Spill the scalding hot tea sis :angietea:

I honestly am getting so sick and tired and just fed up with all of these people claiming to be fans but yet have the audacity to complain about pretty much everything she does. First it was the lips, then it was her nose, the way she dresses, and now its come down to her choreo and it's just such an eyesore. Like I honestly don't know what it takes to make these divas happy :donewithit:

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Also its not even that bad, aside from the trying her best part. Yes we should expect more and hold her to that but this era is pretty close to perfection and not being delusional. She is held to weird expectations that she brought to herself but honestly she does more than what 104081 of these pop girls do now. Only P!nk, Tinashe, and Beyonce bring it like Britney or more


I think she needs someone on her choreo team to just make the moves smoother. Something needs some shaking up 

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3 hours ago, Dark Prerogative said:

So far, i've liked her performances, she has improved a lot.

I don't know why people expect 2000ney-2004ney dancing level, that's not gonna happen :lessons: 

I love currentey, she is confident again and I am sure she will continue improving :comingthru: 


I'd also like to point out it's like people forgot she had MAJOR surgery on her knee.


Her original dancing majorly contributed to that. I mean ... she has injured her knee 3 times.


First time was in 1999.



Second was when she hurt her knee during a concert in 2004:



and the third was when she hurt it bad enough she needed surgery in 2004 during the Outrageous music video.




She had to walk around like this for a long time:





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11 minutes ago, chris_fives said:

I was slayed by BBMA and her VMA confidence on stage was also on point (but she need to sing live the microphone parts). 

TODAY was actually a let down.. Sorry, but it was sloppy... 

If she can deliver BBMA fierceness she should do it each time her performance in televised..


There is always room for improvement with anything people do.


I'm not quite sure how you thought Today was sloppy. Was it because of the missed dance steps (her dancers fault) or she botched some of the lyrics? IDK. She is human. **** happens.

I still think she did a great job on the choreography and I thought they were both fun performances. It's hard to 'dance' to a mid-tempo song and thats what these are. I loved her little water boarding segment. That was cute

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5 minutes ago, MeowBurglar said:

There is always room for improvement with anything people do.


I'm not quite sure how you thought Today was sloppy. Was it because of the missed dance steps (her dancers fault) or she botched some of the lyrics? IDK. She is human. **** happens.

I still think she did a great job on the choreography and I thought they were both fun performances. It's hard to 'dance' to a mid-tempo song and thats what these are. I loved her little water boarding segment. That was cute

Well she danced better during regular POM performances..

I mean, she knows they are filming her to promote her new album and her residency.. she should give her 110%

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honey we're all supporting her. i don't condone any harsh criticism but lbr there's a lot that she can improve based on what she's done for promos this era. yes she's finally giving us promo again since what 2008? that's also why i think so many of her fans want this promo to showcase the best side of britney possible to the world. ofc we want our faves to be loved and appreciated by everybody else too. At the end of the day we still will be buying her albums whether or not she changes her choreographers, dance harder, or sing live (i know i would), but like you said, theres always room for improvement so it's all in good spirit :yeahhh:

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The performances are fine, but she needs to sing live or pre-record vocals. It's can't even be discussed.

Btw PJ insider hinted that they're never going to bother unless fans start demanding it:

Drew said: 
Yes, her past performance were good. Back when their was a modicum of a chance that she'd sing live. She won't now.
I wouldn't be so sure. I'm trying to say, apparently not subtly enough, that now is the time to complain.
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1 hour ago, chris_fives said:

I was slayed by BBMA and her VMA confidence on stage was also on point (but she need to sing live the microphone parts). 

TODAY was actually a let down.. Sorry, but it was sloppy... 

If she can deliver BBMA fierceness she should do it each time her performance in televised..

I still think it was a case of jet lag and being tired, I guess her team thought she would be able to rest enough before this, but she just didn't manage to :nothavingit:

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