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This is a COUNTER-MELTDOWN post... A Positive meltdown.


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Sometimes I find it very disheartening to visit this forum. I was at work all day and just saw Jordan's thread  on Brit's performance at the Today Show with over 100 pages and thought: "WOW! FINALLY SOMETHING POSITIVE" but nope... Most pages are of people criticizing Britney and her performance. Guys, it's been 9 years or maybe more since we last saw Britney promoting this much. Just a few months ago we were mostly thinking this era would be BJ era promo-wise... And yet here she is, promoting, dancing, feeling happy, glorious, she's finally at a good place right now, she feels connected and proud of her album. So why is it that her owns fans hate her so much? Some people here truly hate her and the worse thing is that they hide it behind "I love her that's why I'm honest"... No bbs, honesty =/= being cruel and tearing someone apart. Britney has always been very transparent, she can't hide her true emotions no matter how much she tries... That's why in the past everything looked so forced, but come on... Have you seen her lately? Have you seen her passion in her eyes? Her interviews have been flawless and so natural. We should all be celebrating this era but no, you never get to enjoy anything because you are always finding something to hate, you're always trying to find a fault in everything she does instead of being happy and thankful for her. Her performance was great and she was happy with it... I understand Make Me is probably not the song to do a choreography, but we also know she is not going to sing live so what is she supposed to do? Stand there and do nothing? Let her do her life at her own pace and stop acting like you own her or she owes you something... Because she doesn't and you guys do not own her either. It took her 9 years to be where she's at right now... Some people never make it! Some people never heal from a depression, some people end up killing themselves, but Britney's life is truly a miracle. If someone that doesn't know about her sees her now, they would never believe she had a breakdown!!

So stop being so cruel towards her and LOVE, simply LOVE and be grateful. 

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Someone over PopJustice said it better than me:

I think Britney is very much still on the road to Primeney 2.0. The music is there, certainly. She also seems much more relaxed and carefree in interviews than she has in years and years. It's process - not a switch she can just turn on and off. I'm incredibly proud of her (in a non-condescending way) for returning to the VMAs and giving us a serviceable performance. That **** took ******* GUTS. I don't know if I'd be able to do it. 

The kind of talent Britney has doesn't just evaporate because she's had a hard life. She just needs more time. Let's not forget just how big of a change we've seen in her in just the past YEAR, let alone the past three. She went from letting Myah and Will.i.am take a steaming pile of **** on her last record to gracing us with some of the best music of her career. Considering just how incredible ha discography is - that's quite the ******* feat!
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Everything she does I truly love. I am so inspired by Britney's courage to overcome all the bad things and events in life that she had been through and here she is, after all those breakdowns, media criticizing her as a singer/performer and even as a person, giving all her best to still do the first thing she love, to sing and perform to her fans to the best that she can. I can imagine her being so nervous last sunday for the VMAs, we all dont know how much courage it took her to finally perform again on the VMA stage. So lets all be grateful that after all these years, home girl is still slaying our existence.


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11 minutes ago, crash1009 said:

Everything she does I truly love. I am so inspired by Britney's courage to overcome all the bad things and events in life that she had been through and here she is, after all those breakdowns, media criticizing her as a singer/performer and even as a person, giving all her best to still do the first thing she love, to sing and perform to her fans to the best that she can. I can imagine her being so nervous last sunday for the VMAs, we all dont know how much courage it took her to finally perform again on the VMA stage. So lets all be grateful that after all these years, home girl is still slaying our existence.


This says it all.  After everything she's been through, the fact that she's still giving us so much is amazing.  It pisses me the **** off when 'fans' criticize her for such dumb ****. Like, stop complaining and be happy that we're getting an excited & invested Britney, an incredible album, lots of promo, and good performances.  

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1 hour ago, crash1009 said:

Everything she does I truly love. I am so inspired by Britney's courage to overcome all the bad things and events in life that she had been through and here she is, after all those breakdowns, media criticizing her as a singer/performer and even as a person, giving all her best to still do the first thing she love, to sing and perform to her fans to the best that she can. I can imagine her being so nervous last sunday for the VMAs, we all dont know how much courage it took her to finally perform again on the VMA stage. So lets all be grateful that after all these years, home girl is still slaying our existence.


:crying2: This made me cry! We are so blessed to have her in our lives

1 hour ago, Brit_love said:

anyone who talks bad about Britney SPears should be declared as a Enemy of the State and the planet.

and should be sentenced to life prison and his/her prison room should be full of bees, spiders and rats


Preach it sis

But why your karma so low?

1 hour ago, Orlando. said:

Preach it girl. Also :bow: at that PJ post, very well said.

Your avi is the cutest!

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1 minute ago, Girl On The Moon said:

You're a flawless fan 



Yay! thanks! i do get out of exhale from time to time, im an old member, but sometimes this gets too intense with hate that it makes me frustrated, i dont like seeing negative things about my Brit. 

and btw since when dont we have Signs? i use to love mine!


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5 minutes ago, Brit_love said:


Yay! thanks! i do get out of exhale from time to time, im an old member, but sometimes this gets too intense with hate that it makes me frustrated, i dont like seeing negative things about my Brit. 

and btw since when dont we have Signs? i use to love mine!


Signs as in signatures? I don't think we have them :britlol: Or maybe for some reason I can't see them :huh:

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2 minutes ago, Girl On The Moon said:

Signs as in signatures? I don't think we have them :britlol: Or maybe for some reason I can't see them :huh:

we used to have them... im telling u i jhavent been here since Britney jean. but we used to have signatures.

mine said Britney Spears is my Hakuna Matata, silly i know, but true :dorkney:

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