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ok she really needs to STEP UP HER GAME BIG TIME


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At the end I don't think the choreographer or the choreography is the problem, the real problem is that her priorities have changed.  She is not willing to spend too much time in a dance studio like she did in her prime...let's take as an example Beyoncé and J.lo....they spend hours polishing their routines  and they are moms too

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31 minutes ago, Jba1213 said:

They were ok not bad. I read all the hate on here so I watched it and actually liked both performances. People are just being dramatic! But I do want her to improve a lot of things

they were pretty bad lol and if i was the GP nothing about those performances would make me want to go to POM and that's prob why they shot the performances there - for Vegas promo

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8 minutes ago, iamtonys said:

At the end I don't think the choreographer or the choreography is the problem, the real problem is that her priorities have changed.  She is not willing to spend too much time in a dance studio like she did in her prime...let's take as an example Beyoncé and J.lo....they spend hours polishing their routines  and they are moms too


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I feel conflicted with this, cause Britney is trying in terms of promo. She's giving it a fair effort.


Aside from the flawless album Glory, everything this era has been lackluster. I just wish Brit could find the spark inside her to really go for it on stage again. Then again she's got other priorities, and with all the work she's put in over her career can we really blame her for not being as passionate as she was before? She's been through so much. We get exhausted in our boring daily lives, imagine how Britney feels. I'm just so conflicted inside :tiffsniffle: :tiffsniffle: :tiffsniffle:

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she really does. she is pretty bad in comparison to the other artists out there. IMAGINE for a SECOND if Britney were a new artist right now (hypothetically) and she came out doing what she's been doing this year(well the past 5 years), would you find yourself stanning for her? sit and ponder that please. and be 100% honest!!

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36 minutes ago, iamtonys said:

At the end I don't think the choreographer or the choreography is the problem, the real problem is that her priorities have changed.  She is not willing to spend too much time in a dance studio like she did in her prime...let's take as an example Beyoncé and J.lo....they spend hours polishing their routines  and they are moms too

preach it. 

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Fans: Britney you're not good enough. 

Britney: but I just gave you guys an amazing album.

Fans: Britney that's not enough.

Britney: but I'm doing all these award shows, concerts, festivals and tons radio interviews and I look happier than ever.

Fans: Shut the **** up Britney.

Britney: but but I though you wanted to go out and do more promos and stuff.

Fans: and you suck at  doing it.

Britney: I guess I'd stay in Vegas hanging out with Kween Lexie cuz she treats me Better. Bye ungrateful *******. :carpoolney:

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3 hours ago, DirtyMind said:

I don't even have the energy to drag you haters anymore.  You'll ***** and complain no matter what she does, and then you'll ***** and complain some more.  Soo... You do you. 


Honey its called constructive criticism. And at the end of the day its her career anyway so she could do whatever she want to. Lbr if beyonka or anybody other than brit do what she does rn they'll get dragged to the pits and back lmao:quirkney:

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I've been impressed if not deeply surprised by the promo we've gotten this era. The music is also spectacular and is what I've been wanting to hear from Britney for a long time.

That being said, I actually agree with the lip syncing. I know she's 20 years into her career, has done it and has been known to lip throughout her career. But from all the young adults and teens I talk with, they honestly think Britney's a joke because of the lipping. People can tell if vocals are off the CD versus pre-recorded live or actually live. And it's disappointing to see them drag her because that blocks their ability to see her as a talented performer and artist.

When the vocals are so clearly from the CD audio, it just removes some emotion from her performance. Kind of like she's going to get on stage, do her thing, and be done. But if her team put the time and commitment toward at least pre-recording live locals, I think that'd shut tons of people up. Like if she had amazingly done, prerecorded vocals at Apple Music Fest or iHeart, I think people would genuinely enjoy her performances if she were to tone down choreo to focus on the vocal delivery.

Other than that, I'm not really bothered by some of her costumes and the choreo is what it is; at least she's confident in doing it. I can't wait to see what more we get this era because we've already gotten so much!

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I really love that she is promoting harder than circus/ff/bj but I think that some stuff has been done in the wrong time.

I mean, this week she has given a lot of radio interviews... this was supposed to be done the 2nd 3rd week of Make Me's run. The last 3 weeks the single has struggled to get more spins/audience. If they had booked interviews 3/4 weeks ago, Dj's would have played the song more and by now its audience would be much bigger which means ---> more streaming/sales.

And well then we got an average video that made any impact. The video was supposed to let everyone know that britney had a new single, I am sure a lot of people don't know that she has a new single/album

Hopefully, they can handle things right with the 2nd single. :donewithit:

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3 hours ago, goincrazy4brit said:

and actually for this reason right there she needs to step up her game cause as i said she have it all this time 

great music great energy she's happy etc etc 

for this career that she made at her 17 if she wants to be out there as a FAN i suggest to step up her game AS A FAN i'm saying my opinion

and i'm not gonna ask you :arianabye:

WTF! dude... just shut up. U clearly have no clue. just log off. U ain't here to coz drama. Britney is Britney... if she thinks she doesn't want to coz controversy anymore so be it. I don't see why she needs to step it up anymore. She's HUGE as ****. If u're jealous from the hype Beyonce is getting well lemme tell u this, Beyonce is no legend she's over hyped and overrated people are literally backing her up for some reasons. that's why she's trying so hard. Beyonce got famous at the age of 28! AND SHE DIDN'T BE FAMOSE BECAUSE SHE WORKED HER *** OFF. Britney made statements at the age of 17, shocking moments and an iconic dance moves. Britney is a living legend. Britney is legacy. Britney is POP. Britney is FAME

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5 hours ago, goincrazy4brit said:



there WAS a chance with the LaChapelle video, but they screw it. the video was definately not a safe-momney-thing. :wannadie:

if she wanted to to get out of the safe zone for performances she would already. 

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the world has changed,no one is lip syncing anymore

her team needs to wake up and make her use prerecorded vocals all the time

and I swear I will burn her leotards someday. they don't make her sexier.the less skin is better.she wore more clothing at her prime and looked like a goddess 

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