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Are ya'll just gonna IGNORE the Marie Claire interview!? Strong, inspirational QUEEN!

Calm Before the Storm

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I just knew that this era she'd open up about her struggles and problems and how she's dealt with them :tifftear::crying1:

"I've been through a lot and I've got to this point where I'm feeling good about being single. The best relationship I've ever had is with my boys. Maybe I'll start dating again when I'm 60, but right now I really don't need anyone else." 

Go singleney!!!

"A very long time ago, she told me all she wanted in life was a family, a husband, and the 'happy ever after with the white picket fence'. I ask her how she feels about this now. She laughs: 'Maybe I might get married again when I'm a lot older and maybe there will be more kids, but maybe not. What I do know now is that I don't believe in the happy ever after. I just believe in happy right now. And I'm very grateful for that." 

That last line RADIATES maturity and inspiration! This should be like a famous quote tbh!!

(Btw, she said also in carpool karaoke that she wants more kids...but hates men and also something about finding the right one first....the right sperm donor does she mean then?)

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7 hours ago, BrittonJeanSpears said:

Who hurt her and made her believe there's no such thing as happy endings? :crying2: But I'm living for her maturity and realness.

I dont think thats what she means, which is part of what is so inspirational here. What shes saying is that instead of focusing so much on the "happy ever after", shes realized that she can and she is happy now and how much she appreciates that. Shes living in the present, in the moment, and making the most out of it.

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