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Britney produces potential iconic moments so easily


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Ok so Britney´s VMA performance didn´t have anything really memorable to it (I stilled loved it tho). But tbh this looks a thousand times more memorable than anything that night. Not even the clown, who had 5 hours to do something, could produce a look that could potentially become iconic or at least memorable. One of the reasons Britney is such a huge icon in the industry :yaknow:


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2 minutes ago, IUSAtonight said:

let's not start delude ourselfs now :frenchy: 

I´m being serious, this image of her causes way more impact than any of the ones from other performances, maybe the performance doesn´t live up to the image, but the image is there to stay, imagine when peopl write books about britney and stuff, these pics are icon worthy :tifftear:

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behance having a concert in the middle of an awards show can in the end undo any "iconic moment." There's just so much material it's hard to pick out anything beyond she performed 20 minutes and it was good except maybe the breaking of the camera lens.


But yeah, Brit does it pretty easily. Apparently she goes into autopilot/scandalous mode when she performs where grabbing headlines just comes to her.



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