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Make Me VMAS vevo


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SO confused right now. Just text my hubs less than an hour ago that Brit has 5.4 million youtube views thus far. Was just putting it into perspective with him because Ariana and Nicki had 6.9 million Britney 5.4 million and Nick Jonas had 300,000. So I was stoked about those numbers. Went back to stream more & the Make Me views went to 4.3 million youtube views....Can someone please ease my concerns and tell me I am experiencing a glitch? I am utterly shocked. Hope this isn't true....

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9 minutes ago, chris_fives said:

She has 4,381,566 views at the moment

That is the figure that I am currently seeing as well. So roughly one hour ago the exact same video had 5.4 million.

7 minutes ago, Kevney said:

why is it that big of a deal though. :nyschool:

It isn't really THAT big of a deal, you have a point. My concern is that why were over 1 million views deleted? Not sure if I'm losing it or what. lol

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5 minutes ago, hawkinsolsen said:

That is the figure that I am currently seeing as well. So roughly one hour ago the exact same video had 5.4 million.

It isn't really THAT big of a deal, you have a point. My concern is that why were over 1 million views deleted? Not sure if I'm losing it or what. lol

probably it was some kind of a glitch.. I dunno:donewithit:


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