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Everyone Calm Down, Britney Does Sing Along In Carpool Karaoke

Jordan Miller

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There's millions of tv shows and you guys are surprised that she doesn't know Carpool???


I mean, i've never heard about G-Easy before and i don't live in a bubble.

Britney had never heard of G-Easy either; it was "Amazing A&R Karen"'s idea to call him up and add him to the song (according to what she said in a radio interview). If you ever saw behind-the-scenes clips from Britney's time on the X-Factor then you'd know she doesn't even like rap music or even listen to it. Britney would probably prefer the song to be rap-free and just have a nice bridge. Her team apparently though that adding a rapper would make it more relevant- clearly that's not working out. I don't even like his part that much. 

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