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Can I share a little story with you? (Sorry for the long read, yes Britney related)


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I know this isn't something most users do on here very often (I've been here since 2011 and have seen a dozen maybe?) but I wanted to share something I felt like I could only talk to Britney fans about. People who understand. 

So I finished high school this past school year and I start college this Friday a few hours away from my home that I've lived in since I was a baby. I wasn't even nervous about moving off or leaving home, I was excited! I'm going into music business and acting and Britney has always been THE reason I was interested in stuff like that. 

I was so excited packing up all my clothes and stuff, then I sat down and looked at my walls. I saw every Britney album booklet, cut up and placed on the walls, posters I've had since the day of the album releases. It's like I had forgot they were there or didn't realize how special they were to me until I knew I was about to peel them off my walls and put them away. I immediately started bawling. I kept thinking like "I'm so excited to leave here but this is where I grew up and this is where I experienced everything like hearing my first Britney song and buying my first Britney album." Everything started to become solely about Britney. As I started peeling off all my posters to pack up and put away, I couldn't stop crying so I put it all in a separate box, CDs, DVDs, posters and all said "there's no way in hell I'm not bringing her with me in every way I can." 

I sat down to think to myself about growing up and how much Britney has shaped my ENTIRE life. She has gotten me through so many hard times in my life. She's been there through every transition and special time in my life and I never intend on stopping that. My mom walked into my room and saw me upset and I said to her "how can one person that I've never met mean so much to me? How can she be with me my entire life without actually being here?" And I just kept crying. It just opened my eyes to how much I need Britney in my life to get me through anything and everything. My mom started crying and helped me get all my Britney stuff put in the boxes to bring with me. She knows how much she means to me.

So all of my Britney stuff is packed up into a box or two and I'm hauling it down to my new apartment tomorrow morning. A new Britney album is coming the month I start the beginning of my adult life. This is the time I'm going to look back on and remember how special this is to me right now. I look at Britney eras and albums as like "oh this was released during this time in my life, so on and so forth." So it's really special to me to have her release this album right now. I know I'm probably just rambling but I wanted to just share this with you guys and maybe hear some stories of yours? I wanted to share how Britney has helped me in life and how I immediately felt safe and at home knowing that when I put those CDs, DVDs, and posters into that box that they would be with me no matter what. How cheesy and weird is that?  I'm sorry if this was too long to read and if I wasted your time! I just needed to let out that little moment I just had. Thank you. 

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That's so heartbreaking and sweet:crying4:

I definitely know how you feel somehow. I mean I became a Britney fan about 5 years ago because I grew up in a strict religious household, but once my dad left my mom I was able to see secular pop culture on my own. Even though I was so sheltered, Britney still seemed to peek through my childhood, and I was scared to listen to her of course because as a kid you thought that your parent would somehow know, come to you in the spirit, and kill you. But I saw her Pepsi commercials and heard hits like Toxic & Circus that I secretly liked. But that's beside my point. Britney has really helped me grow as a person somehow and be myself, because she's so good at being herself and being confident and fearless. I just see Britney as a friend that will always be there, even though I've never met the woman. It's just so interesting how something as simple as music can touch and really effect people:crying1:

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I have a memory about specific albums tbh

stick with Britney thru thick and thin because your life will be missing something without her 


Just now, X445500 said:

I have a memory about specific albums tbh

stick with Britney thru thick and thin because your life will be missing something without her 



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12 minutes ago, breatheonher said:

That's so heartbreaking and sweet:crying4:

I definitely know how you feel somehow. I mean I became a Britney fan about 5 years ago because I grew up in a strict religious household, but once my dad left my mom I was able to see secular pop culture on my own. Even though I was so sheltered, Britney still seemed to peek through my childhood, and I was scared to listen to her of course because as a kid you thought that your parent would somehow know, come to you in the spirit, and kill you. But I saw her Pepsi commercials and heard hits like Toxic & Circus that I secretly liked. But that's beside my point. Britney has really helped me grow as a person somehow and be myself, because she's so good at being herself and being confident and fearless. I just see Britney as a friend that will always be there, even though I've never met the woman. It's just so interesting how something as simple as music can touch and really effect people:crying1:

Omg I love your story and how you grew up with Britney but in more of a closeted kind of way? I can so relate to you in that sense. In 2007, my family didn't really think Britney was a good influence on me growing up anymore so they kinda sheltered me from her at that time. I went out to buy Blackout with my birthday money (I was really young) and they made me take it back after I had already bought it. But they're so understanding now of how much I love her. 

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amazing story.:hugs:
mine is quite the same, maybe, because i like Britney the person too so much, ik, we dont know her personal, but damn we know her lol
and i can relate to her life situations and decisions she made, as well as i can relate to what her art says.
im a stan since bomt and she's already became a part of my life, i have so much memories connected with her, literally grown up with her.
i remember me and my bro went to a video exchange store (idk how to call it right lol) and i get Britney in Hawaii vhs and then refused to give it back to get another vhs, my brother was really angry and i still own it :tehe:
its a bad thing that Britney's life was so overexposed, but seeing that she's experiencing something similar to me (heartbreaks, etc) and overcomes all the hardships gave me so much strengh, im happy and excited for glory and i wish you good luck with all your beginnings:likethat:

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1 minute ago, CharmingMadness said:

amazing story.:hugs:
mine is quite the same, maybe, because i like Britney the person too so much, ik, we dont know her personal, but damn we know her lol
and i can relate to her life situations and decisions she made, as well as i can relate to what her art says.
im a stan since bomt and she's already became a part of my life, i have so much memories connected with her, literally grown up with her.
i remember me and my bro went to a video exchange store (idk how to call it right lol) and i get Britney in Hawaii vhs and then refused to give it back to get another vhs, my brother was really angry and i still own it 
its a bad thing that Britney's life was so overexposed, but seeing that she's experiencing something similar to me (heartbreaks, etc) and overcomes all the hardships gave me so much strengh, im happy and excited for glory and i wish you good luck with all your beginnings

I LOVE your story! I can relate to that so much. I remember there was an old movie rental store downtown where I grew up and they had Crossroads. I rented it and refused to bring it back and I cried so hard when everyone tried to make me take it back. I ended up just bringing it back and re renting it when me and my family went back to rent more movies. I even carved my name onto the disk thinking they wouldn't take it back and would just give it to me at the store but NO. That store just reopened for business actually, they are having a huge sale on all their old movies so they can have a fresh start I guess. I need to go see if they have that copy of Crossroads still. I would LOVE to own it today after all I went though with that one disk! So crazy.

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35 minutes ago, QuitmanDJ said:

Omg I love your story and how you grew up with Britney but in more of a closeted kind of way? I can so relate to you in that sense. In 2007, my family didn't really think Britney was a good influence on me growing up anymore so they kinda sheltered me from her at that time. I went out to buy Blackout with my birthday money (I was really young) and they made me take it back after I had already bought it. But they're so understanding now of how much I love her. 

That's so sucky that you had to return it. Especially such an iconic album too! Now that I think of it I didn't even hear about Britney in 2007, which probably meant my parents REALLY didn't like her then lol:hehehe:

But yeah my mom is also really supportive of my liking for her now. She even likes a few of her songs, (especially make me...). She usually went with what my dad said when they were married, but she actually bought me POM tickets earlier this year as a late birthday present and we went together, which was really cool of her:cuteidk:

But it's really cool how even though we were sheltered from her, she still impacted us no matter what. 

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9 minutes ago, QuitmanDJ said:

I would LOVE to own it today after all I went though with that one disk! So crazy.

:crying11: maybe, we are crazy, but this is, like, our childhood and damn, im happy im a Britney stan and she's still doing music
i even started to love mm vid after this conversation that reminded me how much i love Brit in every way :orangu:

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Literally kinda the same thing 

I wasn't much of a Stan back then but i was still a big fan. I mean her albums have helped me get through a lot in the past. Femme fatale came out the year I was lacking confidence and was so anti social. It helped be more outgoing and talk to people more to make friends.

Britney Jean helped me come out of the closet to my friends a few years back. More specifically, work *****, alien, hold on tight, and don't cry pushed me to accept myself and how different I was from the rest of my family.

I'm starting my first year of college this month as well and glory comes out the first Friday I have classes. I'm sure it can help me come out to the rest of my family and gain enough confidence to talk to guys and meet one who isn't a complete **** head. :)

and good for you for going into music and acting. I'm going into performing arts as well, got my first audition next Friday :NYnod:

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5 minutes ago, jokobitch said:

cute!! good luck with college bb!! don't *** around ur first year !!! my freshman year around December I'd stay up waiting for BJ leaks then fail my classes .. the good ol days :crying1::awkblink:

lol no but rly good luck & have fun time flies ! :yay:

Thank you bb!!!! :kisses2all:

That's what I'm worried about tbh. I don't wanna stay up all night waiting for Britney leaks or news on here so I don't fail any classes or anything, but at the same time that's such a huge part of my life and in general every day for me! I'm so used to it and I love doing it! 

5 minutes ago, WerkB¡tch said:

Aw this is so sweet, all Britney fans feel the same way in that situation.


May God bless you and slay this new chapter in your life.

Thank you so much! I'm nervous as I'll get out, but I'm excited for everything to come :hype:

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