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Let's discuss fan entitlement.


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For me now it's not even that they didn't release the original video. They didn't want to so ok fine.

The issue is the messy, sloppy half-assed crap we're left with.

The new video is boring and rushed and has no replay value. It's too late for the song now as well so bye bye Make Me, which makes Britney seem worth less for future projects. The album artwork is ****** as that was David too, so all they did was screencap the video, ******* lazy. They knew scenes had leaked and fans were excited about it yet didn't communicate there were issues or mention the video at all.

I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't even have a name for the album so just used the name of one of the tracks and had done with it and stuck that screencap on there with a bit of photoshop for good measure.

For me it boils down to a lack of organisation, direction and passion :sickofu:

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17 minutes ago, NotAPassenger said:

Pretty Girls was an embarrassment on all fronts :orangu2: 


i also think its it's pretty shady of you to say that people clearly haven't had *** when they think the heterosexual encounter in the video is too much an pertains to G Eazy forcing himself on her. Who are you to tell a woman what *** is right and what *** is wrong? I think that's very infantile of the pair of you.

But I said people have prefrences! :yaknow:

I know some prefer sweet, tender *** while others like it rough. It's not black & white, there are shades of ***. But to say that a scene looks like **** because Geazy looks aggresive or because Britney's putting her hands around his neck.... That alone is not a valid argument in my opinion. Besides, although the editing is a mess, we can see they find each other attractive and are flirting, he's then in no way forcing himself into her.

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10 hours ago, Getting chaotic said:

I agree with you on some parts but look, people are angry because of the lack of communication from her team and the fact that they made fans wait so much only to have them receive a cheap video. It has nothing to do with fan "entitlement". People need to stop throwing this obnoxious word around like we solely exist to kiss britney's ***. This fanbase, more than anyone else, has every right to be pissed off to no end. It's a miracle britney even has fans.

This fanbase had to defend her during her breakdown which was PARTIALLY self inflicted. Anyone who looked at kevin knew what a scumbag he was. People tried to warn her but she never listened. His motives were clear from the start. Then during Circus, her dancing went to hell but people still stuck by her because she was bouncing back and everyone was grateful for her to even be alive despite how miserable she seemed during FTR. Then came femme fatale which was a terrible era that also went to hell because of whatever problems she faced that changed her as a person and appearance. Then people forgave her and stood by her despite her losing fans because she clearly wasn't the same person anymore. Then during BJ, fans became extra pissed when she wouldn't promote and made a very basic autotuned album that had another artist doing like 80% of her vocals. That's 7 years of supporting Britney and doing the work for her like endlessly streaming for her to be number 1. So no sweety, fans are not entitled. If anyone is entitled here, it would be britney and her team.

Britney's niceness isn't so nice or even acceptable anymore. She's channeling her teenage dorkiness on to her videos. I'm sorry but you might think this is charming and what not but it's pathetic and it's not what people want to see from her ESPECIALLY AT 34!! That's not the reason why people fell in love with Britney and kept her career going. Her first 4 albums cemented her iconic status not because of her cutesy-ness and dorkiness in videos. She should stop acting like it especially in her videos. Britney was making adult music and adult videos at 20. I recently re-watched the Overprotected remix and one scene really struck me: her in a yellow dress looking at the camera. That fierce rebellious look she had no longer exists. In fact, I think 19-24 year old Britney would laugh at this new 30-ish year old Britney for releasing such a comical video. Heck, I don;t even think Primeney would have ever envisioned that her 30 something year old sense would release very teenager-esque videos or comical music (Sounds mainly like I wanna go).

I'm completely against fans insulting her personally but don't you sit here and talk to me about fan entitlement. Britney's lucky to even have a fanbase after all the eff ups she's done to her career where she destroyed any ounce of legacy she built in the first 4 years of her career. People are spending their hard earned money on her, she OWES THEM. After all, they made her career last as long as it did and fans took it upon themselves and swallowed their pride every time she half-***** her dancing and lipsynched ballads. Please, sit down and have some respect to the people who have EVERY right to be pissed. This melt down didn't happen overnight. This is a series of disappointments that has been accumilating since 2009. 

Firstly, watch your tone with me thanks. 


I accept people can can be disappointed and I understand why I don't live under a rock. But the subsequent actions spawned by the disappointment have been disgusting. Your attitude is not a good one. Your thoughts are because you've stood by her at her worst that now she owes you? She owes you nothing. We actually know very little of why this all happened. Yes it seems like there's a lack of care bur there was clearly a major issue. 

It's like a lot of you cannot be objective in this situation. It's not about being a Stan. Take off your Stan goggles. Look at this as the situation it is. They were presented with a video with issues, they couldn't be ironed out so they filmed a new one on a smaller budget. The video doesn't fit the song no, but it is definitely fan entitlement that leads to a meltdown like this. It was fan entitlement that led to the videos leaking in the first place because they felt Britney "owed" them the song she'd been promising. Fan entitlement is a problem. 

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6 minutes ago, Curiousexhaler86 said:

But I said people have prefrences! :yaknow:

I know some prefer sweet, tender *** while others like it rough. It's not black & white, there are shades of ***. But to say that a scene looks like **** because Geazy looks aggresive or because Britney's putting her hands around his neck.... That alone is not a valid argument in my opinion. Besides, although the editing is a mess, we can see they find each other attractive and are flirting, he's then in no way forcing himself into her.

It's the editing that makes it look creepy. The POV shot is a bad one and the body doubles arm flailing and clawing at him makes it worse. 

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3 minutes ago, NotAPassenger said:

It's the editing that makes it look creepy. The POV shot is a bad one and the body doubles arm flailing and clawing at him makes it worse. 

idk sis, I just don't know :sickofu:


I still believe there's going to be a part 2/alternative version tho :madonna: can't believe I'm still holding on to that idea so hard lol


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Guest Dangerous Dramatic

We should start a petition on Britney's retirement imo, she needs to take her time and reconsider herself as a brand and as an artist. Stop wasting everyone's time, I'd rather support her enjoying her time off than this semi arsed campaign, yet again. 

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Yeah, the "fans" have gone too far with this one, honestly. Honestly, it's the whole psychology of wanting what you can't have, so whatever is presented in front of you in place of it, no matter how good, will always be hated or looked at as "not good enough" because it's not what you're wanting. Fans need to be a little more mature and learn to overcome such things, tbh. Also, we've only seen part of the "original video" and people are quick to call it a masterpiece? Seriously? Yes, some of the scenes we got looked really good, but that's like saying a movie is a complete masterpiece right away after just watching the trailer. Mind you, Britney posted some teasers before the released Make Me video and those looked like the video would be a masterpiece as well. Hell, we don't even know for sure if they still plan to release the "original" music video or not- everything we're getting regarding what went on behind the scenes stuff is just speculation. But it's really sad that people are quick to come for Britney and blame her right away when we don't know what happened behind the scenes between Britney, her team, the director, and everyone else involved. What if Britney really did just want to keep the video the same and change/remove certain scenes but the director absolutely did not want to compromise with her? Is Britney the one that's unprofessional for still wanting to keep the same plot and willing to work with the director yet the director refuses to compromise with Britney or come to a middle ground? At the end of the day, it is her video and he is working for her, right? I think there are just so many things we don't know that it isn't fair to automatically blame EVERYTHING on Britney. 

And those of you complaining about this video are probably the same ones pressuring her team to release the video right away while they were still trying to compromise/negotiate with David. So instead of trying to deal with that while fans were pressuring her team to release something, they shot a video to grant the fans' request, and here you all are complaining about something you guys wanted her team to do. Had you guys waited, it would've given her and her team more time to try and work something out with David or shot a better looking video. 

15 minutes ago, NotAPassenger said:

It's the editing that makes it look creepy. The POV shot is a bad one and the body doubles arm flailing and clawing at him makes it worse. 

Something makes me think that Britney and G-Eazy shot something totally different for their scene and David and G-Eazy ended up filming something else themselves with a body double that was not approved or known by Britney and her team, which probably took them by surprise when they saw it in the video presented to them. Again, that's just a speculation from the information/leaked footage we got. 

Anyway, still hoping to see the "original" video as it does look interesting, but I'll still continue to support Britney regardless because the music is great this era. And her fanbase will be brought to life again when she hopefully announces that she's doing the VMA, unless you all ruined it with this meltdown that her team will get a hold of and cancel it. 

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31 minutes ago, BreatheOnMoi said:

I do think the reason why the fanbase is reacting so strongly towards this situation is because theyve been there before. I'm not supporting the behavior, but I understand it. People had to deal with the fact that Work ***** was edited and touched up and cut....people complained, but moved on. But THEN, the catastrophe that is the Perfume video happened....and I think that's when most of the fanbase just checked out. 

Countlees petitions were created back then, and people went on for MONTHS begging Khan for the original and etc etc. No words from team B nor herself, it was just brushed under the carpet and moved on.

I think people just feel like they've there before, and they just don't want team B to "get away" with it this time. It's human nature to react negatively when you feel like you're being cheated out of something, and that something in this case is their money. So I think that sense of entitlement comes from those two main aspects. 

Can you explain how you're being cheated of your money because Britney released a video you don't like?

If Britney didn't like the original video then what else can you do about it? Should she release it just so her ungrateful, immature "fans" can get some satisfaction seeing her writhe around in a cage in nothing but red body paint? 



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I 100% agree with you a lot of fans are acting like petulant children throwing a tantrum because they didn't get their way!  


I mean and I don't get why people are surprised about the original......she literally said on the set she didn't like it and called David an *******. I think it became all about what he wanted and not what Britney wanted. The original seemed too dark for the song and for the theme of the era! 


Also the original video looked like IUSA mixed with WB tbh, at least the video we got is something different for her even though it's not the greatest video and I'm sure because the first video is a little underwhelming that they will pull out all the stops for the 2nd single's video.  

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2 hours ago, XtinaBrit said:

We buy and pay her stuff so we have the right to critisize it. If there were scenes in the original that she didnt like they could have taken those out. they had enough time.

She learned the choreo before they shot it - she was ok with it

She saw the costumes before - she was ok with them

she saw the script before - and was ok with that

she is making out with a guy and strutting around half naked - but the old one was too ****

she said it didnt make any sense - she read the script before + WB doesnt make any sense either


 A little louder for those in the back Please.

Before anything, we are CONSUMERS,  we buy the music, we invest our time, for god's sake the only thing keeping the Britney ship afloat is how AMAZING the fans are, people don't understand that!

The B-Army Voted, Streamed, Shared, Gifted , Bought etc.. what they felt they could support, some did it just out of loyalty,
getting 0 respect as fans  is upsetting, and you have some of these ******* saying **** like" if you don't like it, leave"

Sweetie, if we all "left" , who's going to be streaming? Who's going to be buying and shamelessly promoting everything while Team B and Brit do nothing?

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2 minutes ago, Mr.ArabianDreams said:

 A little louder for those in the back Please.

Before anything, we are CONSUMERS,  we buy the music, we invest our time, for god's sake the only thing keeping the Britney ship afloat is how AMAZING the fans are, people don't understand that!

The B-Army Voted, Streamed, Shared, Gifted , Bought etc.. what they felt they could support, some did it just out of loyalty,
getting 0 respect as fans  is upsetting, and you have some of these ******* saying **** like" if you don't like it, leave"

Sweetie, if we all "left" , who's going to be streaming? Who's going to be buying and shamelessly promoting everything while Team B and Brit do nothing?

So many ppl have left which is why we barely win any polls when we were power houses during FF.

They will say they were bad fans but how many ppl do her team have to piss off until they realize it's them not her fans that held on over so much bs 


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2 minutes ago, Spearsfan said:

So many ppl have left which is why we barely win any polls when we were power houses during FF.

They will say they were bad fans but how many ppl do her team have to piss off until they realize it's them not her fans that held on over so much bs 


There wasn't a poll we didn't win back then, we sent 3 singles to the US Top 10, those were the actual days of "Glory"

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Just now, Mr.ArabianDreams said:

There wasn't a poll we didn't win back then, we sent 3 singles to the US Top 10, those were the actual days of "Glory"

We even looked past the mess that happened that era. It only has gotten worse....

They treat the music like garbage. That is what got her Vegas and her millions.


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  • Content Curators

Both videos should've been scrapped lol. They're both bad.

But I'm not having a meltdown because I care more about the album in 3 weeks, VMAs, Carpool Karaoke.

Seriously, when has Britney done so much promo? Obviously we should have our own feedback so her team would listen to us hopefully and improve next time.

However, we have so much to look forward to, so people should really stop frustrating Britney and her team.

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