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Dear Britney


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We love you as a person. We love you as an artist. But sometimes we just don't agree with your decisions as an artist. I guess we just have high expectations as a fanbase because you are the undisputed princess of pop and we want to keep that legacy going. Unfortunately, this lead single video does nothing to support that. Its not innovative, its not different, its not iconic. We're just used to Britney Spears killing it with her videos, especially the leads. I hope this doesn't dictate what is to come this era and is just a small bump in the road. We still love and support you Britney!

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I honestly think it would have been better to not even release this second video. It is really putting the nail in the coffin right now. We didn't need another reason to be embarrassed as a fan. The GP already makes fun of Britney and this fan base and somehow there's always something coming along to support their claims. 

It's hard being a Britney fan. But why should I care? Why should I be reading and posting here? I'll tell you what though... I'm not going to waste my time requesting and doing promotion for them any longer.

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Not like I know the full story either and all of this is jmo: If Britney's uncomfortable doing certain things than everybody else on her team needs to let it go and not push her into doing something that she's going to have problems with later on. I just think it'd save time and effort on both sides of the aisle. Listen to the artist and what she's willing to do and not willing to do. 

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3 hours ago, Thecodeman25 said:

I honestly think it would have been better to not even release this second video. It is really putting the nail in the coffin right now. We didn't need another reason to be embarrassed as a fan. The GP already makes fun of Britney and this fan base and somehow there's always something coming along to support their claims. 

It's hard being a Britney fan. But why should I care? Why should I be reading and posting here? I'll tell you what though... I'm not going to waste my time requesting and doing promotion for them any longer.

I think 'not caring' is the right attitude to have. There's so many artists I've enjoyed that never were taken seriously and it never mattered to me. All I knew was I liked the stuff those artists put out. I'm honest enough to admit when those artists had a "turd in the punchbowl" song or whatever, so it wasn't even a case of lying to myself if they had song/album I didn't like. It still didn't take away the interest I had in general. 

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