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4 minutes ago, BritintheZone said:

It isnt anything she hasnt done tho! 

Would it really stop the meltdowns from these bttms diva queens? 

But mostly does she need to?

well what hasn't she done from the new video?

what we've seen from the original video is pretty much the same thing. I mean she's in bed with this guy in the video we got while he's pretty much ******* her/kissing her body. I don't think we've seen that before beside my prerogative where she was in her underwear/touching herself. :mhmnod:

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I 100% agree but it's so annoying that she agreed to film it in the first place.

Even if she came out now and said 'hey fans, yes it's true I wasn't comfortable with the original and decided to change it but thanks for supporting me." It'd be cool, but to act like this is the original and nothing leaked is so irritating and damaging to her brand. I really want Glory to be successful but it looks like they're sabotaging the era before its even begun. 

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1 hour ago, BritintheZone said:

1. She the artist she has every right to chose what to do with her career and video not a director 

2.She is a mom! Imagine being a *** symbol since 17 and having grown kids. Would you want to be border line trashy? What if she trying to protect her kids from bullying? 

3. She said the sound is more mature which it is. She wants a new image 

4. Yes she isnt 80 but she is aging and she is slowly changing her how **** she is 


1. If your a true stan you would support the video and her opinion 

2. I also dont like the video but its her opinion and decision so i am viewing it like crazy

3.Give me the bad reputation idgaf :rihcackle:


I feel sad about the video we got, but I agree wholeheartedly with you.

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Let's say Britney saw the final product and didn't like it, so she asked for a re-editing.

Then LaChapelle gets pissed off and wants his name out of the project, but she can't hire a new director to do the editing because LaChapelle is also the creative person behind it, so he does not authorize that...

Anything could have happened, sisters.

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To everyone bitching... Are we disappointed? Yes. Are we allowed to be disappointed? Of course.

What's not cool is to demand things and feel some sort of entitlement.

We are her fans because we choose to be her fans. If you don't like what she's delivering, then feel free to stop supporting her. She makes music, which we willingly buy because we like it. She doesn't owe us anything.

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