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2 minutes ago, BratzBitch said:

But why didn't she question it on set? Why was she okay with it while filming it in the first place? Why was she okay with it when they discussed the concept of the video with David? I can't understand this ******* mess tbh :drinky:


1. She didnt like it in the first place and her team forced her

2.maybe her record label are the one who changed it 

3. Maybe she didn't think it would be that ****** and she chickened out 

she has every right to do whatever

1 minute ago, AndrejBLV said:


So what? WoW nobody ever kissed a men and had *** wow such a original idea. I survived idiotic PG conversation, but I can not this.

The video has stupid and childish story and looks like long commercial break.

We cant force someone to do something she doesnt want. 

And you know what!?!? Your the one acting childish about a ******* video. Why dont you become a parent and singer and **** someone in your damn video:rihit:

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Just now, CriminalLegend said:

JESUS, that's the question! I'm sure she saw the storyboards too, so why she said yes wasted millions?

I don't understand this and I don't understand anyone making excuses for her, she has none, she wasted millions of dollars and everyone's time and on top of, that she messed with a huge director :drinky:

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2 minutes ago, BritintheZone said:


1. She didnt like it in the first place and her team forced her

2.maybe her record label are the one who changed it 

3. Maybe she didn't think it would be that ****** and she chickened out 

she has every right to do whatever

We cant force someone to do something she doesnt want. 

Then why did she go on set if "we can't force someone to do what she doesn't want" instead of wasting millions? :drinky:

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3 minutes ago, BratzBitch said:

I don't understand this and I don't understand anyone making excuses for her, she has none, she wasted millions of dollars and everyone's time and on top of, that she messed with a huge director :drinky:

Is that her problem or yours ? :xcuseme: 

2 minutes ago, BratzBitch said:

Then why did she go on set if "we can't force someone to do what she doesn't want" instead of wasting millions? :drinky:

Maybe she has a contact and needs to make a video:walkonby:

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Understand Britney? She and her team never seem to understand the fans, why should we "understand" them? We are the ones who made her who she is now. The least they (B and her team) can do is pay attention to what Britney's audience (the ones who buy everything related to her, go to concerts etc.) would like her to do and communicate with us, instead of the ******* "you have to wait and see". See what? They **** it all up?

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if she wants a different direction and doesnt want to be over ****** anymore ;

1 stop making songs about ******* & ***

2 start wearing clothes in Vegas

3 stop posting insta video's where you're dancing like a stripped in your underwear 


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Just now, BritintheZone said:

Everyone still got paid! Its stupid but still stop acting like a whole bunch of drama queen kids and support the damn ******* video :yaknow:

Idk what to do right now, I'm just ******* pissed and we all have the right to be :drinky: I'll probably be less mad tomorrow, but this is still ******* dumb, whatever the reasons are :MJ:

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1 minute ago, CriminalLegend said:

She wasted millions of dollars, she recorded a video, she cancelled it, she's a mom now... ok.

But why didn't she write something about it on her ******* socials? The reasons? An artist should do that.

Is that your million of dollars ? Nope :xcuseme::xcuseme::xcuseme:

we dont know what happening behind the scenes . All we know we got a video and promo like you alll are asking for and are still bitching !!!!!

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She's 34 she's still young, and it's her problem, why did she record a song about *** on you first place, she should start making songs about other things if she wanna move in a different direction but now they rushed the album, gave up on the David lachapelle shoot which probably was amazing ,they ruin every good thing that is given to them 

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4 minutes ago, TheAllu said:

Maybe I could if somebody actually told us what the **** was going on :cigney:

NO NO NO, wait, there is no release date, there is no video, there are no clear details, there is a flop team ready to sell half of the video for sponsors and the other half to random actors trying to make a 1 day shoot happen:thetea::wendycry:

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34 minutes ago, BritintheZone said:

1. She the artist she has every right to chose what to do with her career and video not a director 

2.She is a mom! Imagine being a *** symbol since 17 and having grown kids. Would you want to be border line trashy? What if she trying to protect her kids from bullying? 

3. She said the sound is more mature which it is. She wants a new image 

4. Yes she isnt 80 but she is aging and she is slowly changing her how **** she is 


1. If your a true stan you would support the video and her opinion 

2. I also dont like the video but its her opinion and decision so i am viewing it like crazy

3.Give me the bad reputation idgaf :rihcackle:


So why the **** she even agreed to that ckncept and showed up with her bare ******* on a video set!

it's a marketing ploy! Watch it!


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2 minutes ago, TheAllu said:

Maybe I could if somebody actually told us what the **** was going on :cigney:

She gave the fans a video and promo and they are still bitching thats what is going on:sickofu::sickofu::sickofu:

3 minutes ago, BratzBitch said:

Idk what to do right now, I'm just ******* pissed and we all have the right to be :drinky: I'll probably be less mad tomorrow, but this is still ******* dumb, whatever the reasons are :MJ:

I am kind amad to but whatever . Still defending her

3 minutes ago, LWD said:

if she wants a different direction and doesnt want to be over ****** anymore ;

1 stop making songs about ******* & ***

2 start wearing clothes in Vegas

3 stop posting insta video's where you're dancing like a stripped in your underwear 


If she made a song about god or plain love you guys be bitching and wont do well . 99.9% of songs of about ***. She does wear clothes in vegas 


2 minutes ago, CriminalLegend said:

How old are you? 12? 

How old are you? Acting like a spolied little three year old ***** just because you didnt get the video you wanted. You wanted a video and promo and she gave it you . Be grateful you little *****! She could retire but she hasnt cause her fans


1 minute ago, Avnit said:

She's 34 she's still young, and it's her problem, why did she record a song about *** on you first place, she should start making songs about other things if she wanna move in a different direction but now they rushed the album, gave up on the David lachapelle shoot which probably was amazing ,they ruin every good thing that is given to them 

Who cares about david?!? Million of other directors would die to work for Britney! They didn't ruin anything! 

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