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The IG story outfit same as Glory


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It is the same outfit as her album cover. You can see the white lace and black "choker" part around her neck. Idk  why it's  posted as a teaser for her new vid. Or why ppl assume it's a stripped down version of this mythical "original " MM  video that NO ONE has seen. But I HIGHLY doubt it's  anything "new". The hair, makeup, and outfit are all the same as the GLORY cover art. Did we even see this outfit in the LQ  seconds long footage that leaked?

So it could be a teaser, a commercial anything!  But it whatever it is, it was done the same time they shot the cover. Who shot the cover?:receipts2:

Stop creating controversy when there is none except by people who are seeking attention online. I could change my name to anything and post a rumor at this point and people would quote me as some Insider with information about how David lachapelle took his name off, or its highly edited, or it's too ****!

Has there been any indication that anything is too **** at this point? The lyrics to both the first songs released are all about fu@king for Christ's sake and in that teaser stories she is shaking her *** in barely nothing! People just need to relax and wait. Enjoy  all the GLORY that is happening around Britney!:flawless:

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31 minutes ago, Thecodeman25 said:

Your missing the point. The clips are indication that it was reshot because most likely this is the music video and its NOT the same as the lachapelle shoot. this is Randee St. Nicolas 

What are you even talking about? Where is there any indication except in people's imagination? You have no idea what's going on you just believe stupid rumors. How do you know something was reshot or the timing of it? You're just buying into the negative and choosing to believe the negative.

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31 minutes ago, ChrisTheLoner said:

Thank you for exposing those annoying people :kisses2all:

They all act as if they know absolutely everything about a video that hasn't even been released yet. They are pretty much the epitome of gullible for believing any stupid little rumor :howiroll:

It's seriously insane! It's like there are huge meltdowns every other hour and yet we've been so pleasantly surprised with everything that's happened! It's just a bunch of bored drama queens!

Again no one has any clue about what the video is was or is going to be yet people run around talking about a reshoot.:zoomzoom:

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38 minutes ago, BTI485 said:

what? :pieceofwhat: 

Let me translate. You sound totally nuts with that post!

Shows how cheap what is and how? What topic are you talking even about?

 And keep in mind you have no idea what the David lachapelle video looked like, looks like, or is going to look like! There's  nothing to compare it to accept the low quality seconds long clips that were leaked that was probably nothing fully edited:awkblink:

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