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VMA Tickets!


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Join 1iota if you are in the NYC area because I just got tickets for the Vmas from them, well its a lottery but I went when Gaga performed Applause and Miley went as mollyed up baby Britney and it was awesome and Ive been to a lot of concerts thanks to them soo Im excited and praying that the Glory of Jesusney helps me get tickets again!!!!! Ahhhhhhh im gonna die ok bye :brityes::scalped::wontcry::madonna::drinky::cigney::myjam::Arianabye: 

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5 minutes ago, getnaked281 said:


Idk to buy, they give it away for free for the pit fans and seat fillers to sit with the stars while they pee or if someone doesnt show up or its performing u sit on their sit, I think they are on the thousands tho so they are expensive, but hey if u got it hope u find some :brityes::wontcry: I hope I get them!!

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2 minutes ago, cantsleepbritney said:

Idk to buy, they give it away for free for the pit fans and seat fillers to sit with the stars while they pee or if someone doesnt show up or its performing u sit on their sit, I think they are on the thousands tho so they are expensive, but hey if u got it hope u find some :brityes::wontcry: I hope I get them!!

I want to fill a seat while somebody pees :jackk:

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4 minutes ago, Body ache said:

Congrats! I won't be in NY so I can't go, but I've been to two of their shows before and got a chance to see Britney present last year. So happy for you!

Thank youu and arent they awesome, its incredible such a big show allows u to go there for free and its just heaven!! Last time i was right infront of all the celebs and kept winking at them and making them uncomfortable the guys from 1 direction kept bothering rihanna and she was not having it, Gaga was literally naked well almost sitting with everyone like it was her living room, and mmm when they allowed us to go into the venue it was super empty and the first one to show up was ellie goulding and she sat there while the crickets chirped for a good 20 lol it was all in another dimension tho so it was all glitter and diamonds lol well not me I was broke but anyways sorry lol im excited

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