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Music Reacts To Tragic Mass Shooting At Gay Nightclub In Orlando

Jordan Miller

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30 minutes ago, The Deity Arceus said:

That's why more people need to read and learn about Arceism.

Im so sad and deeply shaken up inside, its an attack not only on those poor people at that club but to all of us who have to continue on living with our daily life knowing that at any moment this might happen and theres nothing I can do about it, i live in new york and its just so heartbreaking to not be phisically affected yet feel the pain that i now carry just to be prepared if anything happens in the future, its just so unfair, and all i can think of doing is crying , and praying, and sending light to all the affected, and to all of us that now feel attacked just for being who we are... Lets be positive, I must say, i use music to cope with deep emotions and strangely when i saw the news developing i got this huge feeling that i should workout to blackout, and u mentioned it, may I ask why? Just wondering..

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That's such a sad and awful tragedy tbh. I'm really angry and sad. My prayers for all the victims and their families :crying11:

2 hours ago, Trentals said:

Every member of our LGBT community, please be safe!

This is a hate crime!

Im not American and feel helpless. I'm absolutely devastated. I'm sitting here in tears.

Gays are some of the strongest people I know. It takes a lot to be gay, especially coming out and the hate in our community. We always stand together. This is our community. We are all one.

My love goes out to everyone. It's time to join together and show our strength. 

I couldn't say it better sis :crying11:

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1 hour ago, jevinski95 said:

The fact that 50 or so of our LGBTQIA+ brothers and sisters got gunned down in one of those rare places that we're supposed to feel completely welcome, unashamed and safe is just so devastating and emotionally draining.

This! OMG it is so sad an devastating 

1 hour ago, jevinski95 said:

The fact that 50 or so of our LGBTQIA+ brothers and sisters got gunned down in one of those rare places that we're supposed to feel completely welcome, unashamed and safe is just so devastating and emotionally draining.

This! OMG it is so sad an devastating 

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1 hour ago, Alejo. said:

I have friends there but they are fine.

This is so sick and horrible, I can't even think about it.

And of course religion has to do with that, they love to kill in the name of their God. No wonder why some Americans Europeans etc don't want Islamics.

I'm muslim too and i dont kill or hurt anybody.Europeans? IM EUROPEAN MUSLIM.I'm not a migrant.My homeland is Europe.You probably dont know this but there are milions of European Muslims and im not talking about migrants.But if you are talking about isis they are not following islam they just kill EVERYBODY.

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11 minutes ago, mihailtodorovsky said:

I'm muslim too and i dont kill or hurt anybody.Europeans? IM EUROPEAN MUSLIM.I'm not a migrant.My homeland is Europe.You probably dont know this but there are milions of European Muslims and im not talking about migrants.But if you are talking about isis they are not following islam they just kill EVERYBODY.

I get all that, I just said no wonder why SOME Americans and SOME Europeans don't want Islamics on their territories.

I'm not bashing the Muslims, I know there's millions and millions of Muslims in North America and Europe anf those millions are good people...But we can't deny why some are afraid of all this emigration issue when there's radicals killing out there and yes they do it in the name of God.

Either way all religions are bullshit and all have caused the biggest issues in the world.

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10 minutes ago, Alejo. said:

I get all that, I just said no wonder why SOME Americans and SOME Europeans don't want Islamics on their territories.

I'm not bashing the Muslims, I know there's millions and millions of Muslims in North America and Europe anf those millions are good people...But we can't deny why some are afraid of all this emigration issue when there's radicals killing out there and yes they do it in the name of God.

Either way all religions are bullshit and all have caused the biggest issues in the world.

Well now you are right.But i just wanted to say that not all the muslims in Europe are migrants.There are a lot of European christians converted to Islam in 1500's like whole Bosnia,%50 of Albania and some other Slavs (like my family)
I'm really sorry.My prayers to everyone in Orlando :( 

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My heart goes out to those families... Rest in peace to everyone who lost their life.


I can't believe we still live in such a ******* hate filled world.  I can't understand... Why?  Just why?  Everywhere I go, I'm always scared about someone just not giving a **** and pulling out a gun because they don't care.  I'm scared for my family because they're Cuban and a lot of racism is stirring up since the presidency election, I'm scared for everyone just wanting to live their life but can't ...  This is so devastating. 

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7 minutes ago, xzede25 said:

Just when you thik things are getting better. There comes always that F up everything.
This world is so full of hate and intolerance and it will never stop. It's really sad but it's the truth.

Exactly! Right when the whole bathroom drama died down this **** happens. We've been growing and things have gotten better compared to let's say 10 years ago. Then this **** happens that shows that we're not as accepted still.

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