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Music Reacts To Tragic Mass Shooting At Gay Nightclub In Orlando

Jordan Miller

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45 minutes ago, David Rose said:

You're right. I can't deal with attacks on Israel though, especially when said attacks are coming from people complaining about people making inaccurate judgements on their faith. It's beyond hypocritical and wrong. I'm not gonna stand by why they spread their inaccurate, vitriolic bullsh*t.

My thoughts and love are still with Orlando and the victims we lost and the ones still fighting for their lives. That won't change.

Then educate yourself and do not have the disrespect to disregard so many people's lives, homes and actual facts.

You're the most hypocritical and brain-dead member here. Don't even try to play the victim when you are defending a country
that has victimised countless of people all over religion, politics and soil. You can twist **** as much as you like, but it don't change the facts. Don't comment any more because what you have said today is beyond disgraceful and shameful. Have some decency tbh, if you have any that is. 

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16 minutes ago, Kiiddy said:

Bullsh*t. Try again fool. Try again. If you wanna be in denial of their factual atrocities that are worldwide known, that is your problem.


You also missed the point here, yet again. The pity I have right now is unreal. Why even bother at this point. You're quite literally doing my homework for me.

How is it bullshit when it's fact? keep lying to yourself.

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13 minutes ago, Kiiddy said:

Brainwashed? Are you educated at all? Do you read or watch the news? Do you know anything?
You need to educate yourself fast before you even attempt to start with me or will I drag you to ******* filth you prick.
Everybody knows damn well of the disgusting, foul, immoral, evil and unforgivable atrocities Israel has done to Palestine
and other innocent lives. There is a reason why so many people have gone to such incredible lengths to prevent
Israel from ********* more lives and breaking international law. Why the **** would you wanna be in denial of that?
Are you really that sick, twisted, uneducated, heartless and ****** up?
Don't you ******* DARE excuse, justify, lie or twist facts for the sake of Israel because that would make you beyond
disgusting, ignorant and deluded. What they have done is inhumane and nothing will ever stop people from seeing it otherwise.
There is a damn well good reason why so many places, including the UK that do marches every year and set up charities for
Palestine. You're a shameful piece of **** for having the audacity to support terrorism tbh because that is what you have just done. Period. How ******* dare you!

Its a terrorist country and you will ******* deal with that tbqh. Deal with that truth or gtfo. Period. You absolute simpleton of a being.

And what are muslim countries? Safe? Peaceful? Don't make me laugh. Israel continues to be the safest place in the middle east and thank god gays and progressive women have a place to go in the middle east.

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3 hours ago, Body ache said:

And what are muslim countries? Safe? Peaceful? Don't make me laugh. Israel continues to be the safest place in the middle east and thank god gays and progressive women have a place to go in the middle east.

3 hours ago, Body ache said:

How is it bullshit when it's fact? keep lying to yourself.

Are you stupid or just desperate? No country is peaceful. So again why be prejudice? Why?
You are choosing to focus only on Islamic countries and pretty much damning them, defaming them and
attempting to say that all of them except for Israel are not peaceful. You sound like a ******** child! 

Try harder and I mean it. Try the **** harder because this is pitiful. There isn't anything factual about what you're saying.
All you're doing is throwing out opinions. Who the **** can't do that? It is a fact that Israel have broken international law and is responsible
for the deaths of so many people due to religion, soil and politics. Nothing can argue otherwise. Do you not even know history or do I need to spoon-feed it to you now? Get with it or gtfo. You're so uneducated its cringe.  

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Just now, Kiiddy said:

Try harder. I mean it. Try the **** harder because this is pitiful. There isn't factual about anything you're saying.
All you're doing is throwing out opinions. Who the **** can't do that? It is a fact that Israel has broken international law and is responsible
for the deaths of so many people all over religion, soil and politics. Nothing can argue otherwise. Do you not even know history or do I need to spoon-feed you it now? Get with it or gtfo. You're so uneducated its cringe.  

I don't need to try hard when the facts are quite obvious. YOU can try hard to try to justify your false opinion on the safest place to be gay in the middle east. Keep trying. I'm hollering. :Cpopcorn:

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3 hours ago, Body ache said:

I don't need to try hard when the facts are quite obvious. YOU can try hard to try to justify your false opinion on the safest place to be gay in the middle east. Keep trying. I'm hollering. :Cpopcorn:

You failed again. Thank you. You have yet to make one single argument and state one single fact.

Congratulations. You're officially ******. I gave you the opportunity to challenge me and you have failed over and over.
Don't bother anymore, because it would be mortifying to see you continue this laughable attempt to prove a point.
You can't prove a point when its a fact that Israel have broken international laws and are fully resposible for all the deaths
of those Palestinians. Have you not seen the way they live now compared to Israelis? Have you not researched into the extent
of how much they have destroyed their homes, their families and people's lives? To defend that is to defend terrorism.
You can justify or disregard it all you like, it doesn't change the facts that are in the news and in history you loser.

Its been talked about for years by head of states etc to stop building settlements as well. Where were you when that was publiscised all around the world? Or are we denying that happened as well now? You live in a f*cing bubble mate. A ******* bubble! Get out of here tbh and don't bother speaking to me, you're not educated enough to speak to me.

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3 minutes ago, Kiiddy said:

You failed again. Thank you. You have yet to make one single argument and state one single fact.

Congratulations. You're officially ******. I gave you the opportunity to challenge me and you have failed over and over.
Don't bother anymore, because it would be mortifying to see you continue this laughable attempt to prove a point.
You can't prove a point when its a fact that Israel have broken international laws and are fully resposible for all the deaths
of those Palestinians. Have you not seen the way the live now compared to Israelis? Have you not researched into the extent
of how much they have destroyed their homes, their families and people's lives? To defend that is to defend terrorism.
You can justify or disregard it all you like, it doesn't change the facts that are in the news and in history you loser.

Its been talked about for years by head of states etc to stop building settlements as well. You live in a f*cing bubble mate. A ******* bubble!
Get out of here tbh and don't bother talking to me, you're not educated enough to speak to me.

I just told you that Israel is the most peaceful place in the middle east to be out as a gay. What more fact do you need? Try going to Palestine as a gay individual and see what they would do then you can come back to me and say I was wrong.:HAHAHA::britstare::britclose:

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22 minutes ago, Body ache said:

And what are muslim countries? Safe? Peaceful? Don't make me laugh. Israel continues to be the safest place in the middle east and thank god gays and progressive women have a place to go in the middle east.

Are you serious or are you that ignorant? lol Go to Israel and tell that you are christian they will stone you to death.Also Lebonan is safer and at least respect every religion.You have no IDEA about middle east

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2 minutes ago, mihailtodorovsky said:

Are you serious or are you that ignorant? lol Go to Israel and tell that you are christian they will stone you to death.Also Lebonan is safer and at least respect every religion.You have no IDEA about middle east

If it's safe to go to Israel for gay Pride then it's safe to be Christian there. :britstare:

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16 minutes ago, Body ache said:

I just told you that Israel is the most peaceful place in the middle east to be out as a gay. What more fact do you need? Try going to Palestine as a gay individual and see what they would do then you can come back to me and say I was wrong.:HAHAHA::britstare::britclose:




You think sharing an opinion is the same as a fact? How old are you?
You also keep disregarding all the atrocities I mention btw. Hmm, I wonder why? Guilty much.
You're adorable x

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12 minutes ago, mihailtodorovsky said:

Yea keep lying to yourself lol


Those people are ******* disgusting in that video.

Bro these two idiots on here have got to be the most deluded, brainwashed and dumbest people I've ever had to communciate with online.
Its genuinely shocking how much they're in denial of hard facts and history. I mean what's next are they going to suggest this video
is in fact a fictional TV show or hang on a minute..... knowing them......... they'd may even go as far as calling this or us 'anti-semetic' next.
Denial and delusion is always present when speaking on Israeli's crimes. I wonder why. Oh I know... because they know they've got no comeback or defense in the world. They're as guilty as **** and they know it.


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8 minutes ago, mihailtodorovsky said:

Yea keep lying to yourself lol


You posted that before and I replied with the pride video. So if gays are free there then christians are sure as hell free too. I wont post it again to justify my claims. You can look back a few pages.

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6 minutes ago, Kiiddy said:




You think sharing an opinion is the same as a fact. You also keep disregarding all the atrocities I mention. Hmm, I wonder why?
You're adorable x


Then go to the middle east as a open gay then come back to me and say I was wrong. :lessons:

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Just now, Body ache said:

You posted that before and I replied with the pride video. So if gays are free there then christians are sure as hell free too. I wont post it again to justify my claims. You can look back a few pages.

lol than you didnt watch the video its obvious that they hate christian.They were about to kill him just because he's christian.

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1 minute ago, Body ache said:

You posted that before and I replied with the pride video. So if gays are free there then christians are sure as hell free too. I wont post it again to justify my claims. You can look back a few pages.

You're so adorable that puppies right now don't seem the same.

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