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What Is Hold On Tight About?


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What are you talking about... "God created man in His image." HIS.


U know, I'm a Christian and I believe in Jesus and God ofc, but I have diff opinion when it comes to some things.


First, God is NOT a human being. If God was a human being that would mean that God even tho is perfect, immortal and infinite has a form of a man. So if he is a guy, how old is he ? Is he white, is he black ? And so many other things. That's why Jesus came to Earth in a form of a man to prove to people that even tho u cannot be 100 % perfect u can try to be imperfectly perfect.


And God is a force, if he was a guy it wouldn't be fair to women, that basically means men r superior which is not true, and if he was a white person that would not be fair to other races, and stuff like that. I believe that God has as many names and faces as there r people. Cause God is in all of us, God represents everything good in u, me and the others - your conscience, good will, talent, good judgment and stuff like that. That's how God can hear u always and is always with u...  

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If Britney is talking about God, she can use "He" as many Christians do based on Scripture. It doesn't automatically mean it's a boyfriend. Also, "being made in the image of God has nothing to do with physical characteristics." God is a spirit. Man and woman are both a reflection of God, not necessarily physically.


Ok, I'm getting off topic and I haven't even heard this song.  :p


Exactly. Bravo  :clap:

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  • 2 years later...

I imagine she is inside of her thoughts in a different world, kind of like that scene in break the ice mv where she is encapsulated in that machine sleeping, and on the outside shes being watched, and somehow while dreaming she feels at peace because she knows that somewhere wether close or far away is on their way to help them, or her in this case.. Whos watching? Whos helping? She doesnt know, I dont know, who knows.. But something feels like its all going to be Allright..

And its kind of like a lesson in the end, its like this different worlds of separation in between you, us, her and the help we need, might just be an imaginary bridge we get to cross by having faith... Asking, reaching out, playing her songs, playing This song, wether you are lost or breaking away from whats holding you down, you got this. And then I imagine she looks like the cartoon/Anime Britney that was watching from outside the BTI machine and then she realizes she is actually the one inside having this visions of her soon to come savior, God.. Breathing.. Love... Hard work... Dedication.. God.. Or maybe herself thats coming to her aid... But you'll have to wait and see :Blaughing:

So dont let go...


Hold on tight .... :wontcry::omgpls:  You got this... :kiss::hugs:




Stream Make Me :fu::nochillbrit:

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