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  1. The collaboration is already receiving high praise, including from Spears’ attorney, Mathew Rosengart. “After our hard-fought success in removing her father as conservator and then the termination of the conservatorship, I was inundated with inquiries about what Britney would do next,” Rosengart tells Page Six exclusively. “My response was simple: ‘For the first time in 13 years, that is up to one person and one person only: Britney.’ No one should be surprised that her first foray is a smash success,” the former federal prosecutor continues. “As I’ve said all along, Britney is a brilliant artist and iconic person. She’s been through a lot. Regardless of what she chooses to do next, if anything, I am so very proud of her.” “This was Elton’s idea, and Britney is a huge fan,” a music industry source told us at the time, teasing that John’s team was already calling it “the song of the summer.” Spears said Wednesday that she was feeling “pretty overwhelmed” ahead of the release of her comeback tune.
  2. Judge Mulls Britney Spears Request to Depose Execs For Alleged Surveillance LOS ANGELES (CNS) - A judge Wednesday said she is taking under submission a bid by Britney Spears' attorney to depose two management executives and have them produce documents regarding any knowledge they may have about the singer's father allegedly spying on his daughter. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Brenda Penny had issued a tentative ruling July 27 stating that Tri Star Sports & Entertainment Group's Robin Greenhill and her boss, company CEO Lou Taylor, must sit for depositions, but after hearing arguments from lawyers for the company and Spears, she said she wants to mull the issues further. Spears lawyer Mathew Rosengart -- who also revealed Wednesday that his client's father, Jamie Spears, was himself recently deposed -- asked that subpoenas be issued after Greenhill was named in statements by former Spears security staffer Alex Vlasov in a New York Times documentary, "Controlling Britney Spears." Vlasov said in the documentary that even in the singer's home, everything she asked for was monitored and recorded. Greenhill previously said in a sworn statement that no one at Tri Star ever suggested spying on the 40- year-old performer and that she knew nothing about a hidden electronic surveillance device allegedly being put in the singer's bedroom. Rosengart told the judge Wednesday that Tri Star previously acted as the singer's business manager and also filled roles as her CPA and tax preparer. Jamie Spears got the firm involved in his daughter's business affairs when he needed a $40,000 loan, Rosengart said. "Mr. Spears' misconduct is front and center and whether they like it or not, they are front-line witnesses," Rosengart said of the two Tri Star executives. Rosengart told the judge he agrees with most of her tentative ruling, but he urged her to take another look at some issues she said were moot. Tri Star attorney Scott Edelman said the company is not opposed to the depositions, but wants them to be focused on an accounting period encompassing the year 2019. Outside the courtroom after the hearing, Rosengart declined to discuss the contents of Jamie Spears' deposition. The judge denied his request to close the courtroom briefly so he could discuss new information that he said is currently confidential. Additional hearings in the case are scheduled for Oct. 26 and Dec. 7, with the latter date to include discussions of Jamie Spears' request for attorneys' fees. Penny terminated the Spears conservatorship on Nov. 12 of last year. Jamie Spears had been overseeing his daughter's estate since the conservatorship began in 2008, and the singer accused him and others involved in the conservatorship of abusive and restrictive behavior that included limiting her movements, forcing her into unwanted therapy sessions and giving her unneeded medications. Jamie Spears' attorney has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing, including allegations that listening devices were planted in the singer's home. 🔴Source: Kfiam640.iheart RELATED:
  3. Britney Spears’ Lawyer Demands Judge Order Pop Star’s Dad To Cease And Desist His ‘Intimidation Tactics’ Britney Spears and her team are demanding confidential medical information be sealed after her estranged father Jamie used them in court recently, Radar has learned. According to court documents obtained by RadarOnline.Com, Spears’ powerhouse attorney Mathew Rosengart has asked the court to keep his client’s records sealed in the conservatorship case. The judge ended up siding with Britney by ordering Jamie to be deposed and shutting down the request to grill Britney. In a newly filed motion, Rosengart said Jamie’s motion seeking a depo had attachments that contained private information regarding Britney. Jamie filed the materials “conditionally” under seal, but Rosenagart wants to make sure they stay that way. “In short, Mr. Spears’s July 22 filing was an improper effort to end-run the Rules, seeking to “unseal” private materials. That backdoor tactic should not be countenanced by the Court,” he said. Rosengart added, “In yet regrettable—and mean-spirited—attempt to bully, harass, and intimidate his own daughter, James Spears has, unfortunately, sunk to a new low. In his July 22 submission, he took portions of his daughter’s private, sensitive, and confidential information, which are already under seal, and filed them “conditionally” under seal, necessitating this motion to ensure the documents remain under seal.” Britney’s attorney said, “one would have hoped that since his September 29, 2021 suspension as conservator, Mr. Spears and his counsel would have shown a measure of grace and decency toward Britney Spears. Instead, they have done the opposite.” Rosegart pointed out that during the conservatorship Jamie and his prior counsel previously moved, on multiple occasions, “to seal confidential and private information.” This begs the question: Why does Mr. Spears no longer purport to recognize his daughter’s fundamental rights to privacy with regard to court filings? He is still a father. He is still a fiduciary. The only fact that has changed is that he was suspended as a conservator and removed from his daughter’s life as a toxic presence (although he continues to importune),” Rosengart writes. “Why else is Mr. Spears proceeding in this manner? Because his daughter dared to object to her father’s attempt to pay himself out one last time from her Estate, by refusing to write a blank check to him and his counsel. He wants revenge, “vindication” (as his counsel admitted during the July 27 hearing), and most tragically, to upset or harm his daughter." Rosengart wrote to the court, "we ask that it order Mr. Spears to cease and desist from these intimidation tactics." The judge has yet to rule.
  4. Britney Spears will not have to answer questions from her father’s lawyer in a deposition, a probate judge ruled on Wednesday. Spears’ father, Jamie Spears, sought the court’s permission to take Spears’ deposition as the two sides continue to war over attorneys’ fees and other costs connected to her 13-year conservatorship. But Judge Brenda Penny ruled that a deposition would not be likely to produce information relevant to the remaining issues in the case. He also said that Spears would not be a witness in any future trial or evidentiary proceeding in the case. “Whether he accepts it or not, his daughter feels traumatized by what she went through at his hands for more than a decade,” Rosengart said in court, adding that if Jamie Spears truly loved his daughter, he would have dropped his motion for a deposition. Jamie Spears’ attorney, Alex Weingarten, pushed back on the claims and said that ultimately his client will be vindicated. “Mr. Spears did right by his daughter,” Weingarten said. “The conservatorship was for her benefit… The truth will come out.” Weingarten expressed frustration that he would not be able to ask Britney Spears about the allegations, noting that the singer often comments about the case on her social media accounts. He also indicated he would appeal another decision, in which Penny blocked him from obtaining records from Kroll, a private investigations firm hired by Spears’ attorneys. Penny also indicated she was seeking to narrow the ongoing discovery in the case to just the issues surrounding the petition for fees. That would exclude allegations about how the conservatorship was established and claims that Spears was bullied by her father. But she indicated she would continue to allow inquiry into claims that she was secretly surveilled. 🔴Source:VARIETY
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